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UK Government Analyzes Pesticides in Produce for Imported Food. Results May Pose Trade Changes.

A recent United Kingdom (UK) study of imported goods finds 46 cancer causing chemical pesticides in produce that can potentially change the laws of trade into the country.

A move toward protecting its citizens from harmful adulterants in food, both domestic and from abroad may strengthen with the results of this recent study.

Let’s dive into the study!

UK Study Finds Pesticides in Produce

As part of the Pesticide Action Network UK (Pan UK) testing, a total of 1,046 samples of imported food were analyzed. This included food of non-animal origin. Mostly fruits and vegetables. However, some processed foods like bread and cereal snacks were also sampled.

The results were startling.

Especially for imported goods. But also, for those domestically grown in the UK.

46 different pesticides detected in imported food samples, some banned in the UK

Among the imported produce, 46 different pesticides were detected. Chemicals that scientific research has deemed carcinogenic. Even those such as iprodione and chlorothalonil that are already banned from use in the UK.

On the domestic front, while fewer samples tested positive among the 917 UK-grown food specimens, there were still 19 pesticides detected.

PFA (per- and polyfluoroalkyl) chemicals, also known as “forever chemicals” contamination in food has been a global concern.  The study found 12 PFA chemicals in imported food alongside five identified in UK-grown food.

Additionally, residues of pesticides in produce were identified in imported product sample. In fact, there were 48 that are not even approved for use by UK farmers. Chemicals like carbaryl and diazinon – endocrine disrupting chemicals linked to cancer. Also, neonicotinoid pesticide imidacloprid was found on potatoes, peas, and grapes from several countries. This chemical is known to cause pollinator death.

While few of the samples exceeded UK’s maximum residue level (MRL), the amount allowable by UK law, the results were still staggering. Tests tagged 24 samples of imported food did exceed those MRL standards. UK-grown food accounted for eight that exceeded that level.

Why Are Pesticides in Produce a Problem?

Farmers and producers use pesticides to increase output. Putting chemicals on plants as they grow to eliminate or deter pests increases the amount of crop a farmer can harvest at the end of the growing season.

Some of those chemicals, in addition to killing pests, have harmful impacts on the human body.

Many pesticides have been proven to negatively affect sexual function and fertility. Some contain neurotoxins that impact the nervous system. When those impacting the endocrine system interact with the human body, hormone systems can be disrupted.

If these chemical residues from pesticides in produce are mostly below the legal limit, what’s the problem?

Concerns Over Cumulative Exposure

Limits are put into place for acute exposure. Meaning, a one-time exposure event. Like eating the adulterated food only once.

But what about eating the same thing regularly?

For years?

How is that accounted for?

The truth is, that it isn’t. There is no answer to that question. At least not yet anyway. It also doesn’t account for the chemical exposures people undergo from other sources in their daily lives. For that reason, these chemicals have been banned. And soon, products containing the residues will likely be banned as well.

The Worst Offenders

So, who were the worst offenders?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Produce from Lebanon, Thailand, and Turkey topped the list.

Grapes imported from Lebanon contained 13 different types of pesticides.

Beans imported from Thailand contained 12 different types of pesticides.

Pears imported from Turkey contained 10 different types of pesticides.

Specific per-produce information was not made available for other importers or domestically grown products.

Policy Changes Involving Pesticides in Produce Could Be in the Works

In addition to concern for their citizens’ health, other factors could come into play that would prompt certain policy changes that impact imported and domestically grown goods.

“While the results for UK produce are also concerning, when it comes to pesticides that poses a risk to consumer health, imports tend to be far worse than food grown here in the UK. With rates of diseases such as cancer and Parkinson’s on the rise, we should be doing everything we can do reduce our chemical exposure,” said Nick Mole, policy officer at Pan UK. “By allowing banned pesticides in our imports, the UK is exporting its environmental and human health footprint abroad. Farmworkers and wildlife in countries where our food is grown are exposed to these dangerous chemical and will suffer the associated harms.”

UK farmers are asked to produce more sustainably. Domestic regulations continue in that direction. If the government allows importers to use production methods that undermine their own farmers, it could have a negative impact on domestic goods.

“If the Government is serious about protecting British consumers and supporting our farmers,” says Mole, “it can kill two birds with one stone by not allowing food imports grown using pesticides banned for use domestically to enter Great Britain.”

The U.S. only recently enacted such a complementary requirement. The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) holds importers accountable for the same food rules that apply domestically. Though, the United States falls a bit behind on restrictions many other countries pose on their food producers.

A program similar to the U.S’s FSMA is likely coming to the UK. A move that will update their import regulations and impact international trade with the country. A move in the right direction to protect their citizens and domestic farmers.

How Much Trust Do You Have in Your Produce?

Do you ever wonder about what chemicals lurk in your salad? What residues are in your berries? Do you opt for organic to reduce those exposure risks?

How much trust do you have in your produce?

Unless you grow it yourself (and do not live near commercial farming areas) you have to put a lot of trust into those growing and producing your food.

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By: Heather Van Tassell (contributing writer, non-lawyer)

Heather Van Tassell

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