Outbreaks & Recalls

Two Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease in Orange County

Two outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in Orange County California have recently surfaced. One in the Westminster area. Another in the Tiburon Homes community.

Legionnaires’ disease is a serious pneumonia-like illness generally associated with man-made water systems.

Two recent outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in Orange County could be a sign of a bigger problem.

Here’s what we know about the situation and tips for what to do if you get sick.

Legionnaires’ Disease in Orange County – Westminster Community

The Orange County Health Care Agency reports that there have been seven confirmed cases (as of 1/23/2025) of Legionnaires’ disease in residents of a community in the northwestern corner of Westminster.

Symptom onset for these illnesses range between October 29, 2024 and November 8, 2024.

Seven Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease in Westminster Community Between 10/29/24 and 11/8/24

The Health Care Agency, in collaboration with their Disease Control and Epidemiology departments, are at work to identify potential sources of these infections. Cooling towers, pools, spas, and other water sources are being analyzed.

While the Orange County Health Care Agency explains that “the risk to anyone who lives or visits Westminster is very small,” anyone who is sick should seek medical care and notify them of this advisory.

Legionnaires’ Disease in Orange County – Tiburon Homes Community

The Westminster Legionnaires’ outbreak comes just after six other confirmed cases (as of 1/23/2025) of Legionnaires’ disease were reported in the Tiburon Homes community

Symptom onset for these illnesses range between September 28, 2024 and October 12, 2024.

Six Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease in Tiburon Homes Community Between 9/28/24 and 10/12/24

This investigation failed to determine the source of the outbreak, however the organization has worked to “assure the appropriate maintenance of any potential Legionella sources in the community.”

As no additional cases from this area have been identified over the past three months, the Health Care Agency closed this investigation.

What is Legionnaires’ Disease Anyway?

Legionnaires’ disease is the illness associated with Legionella bacterial infections.

These microscopic germs typically live in natural water environments like lakes, streams, and rivers. They become a problem to human health when they find their way into human water systems.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 20 people exposed to Legionella bacteria will become sick.

Is Legionnaires’ Disease Contagious

Legionnaires’ disease is not spread from one person to another. It is not contagious.

People become infected when they inhale aerosolized water droplets containing Legionella bacteria. Primarily from man-made water fixures.

Legionnaires’ Disease is Most Often Spread Through Man-Made Water Fixtures

What exactly do we mean by “man-made water fixures?”

Things like:

  • Hot tubs
  • Hot water tanks and heaters
  • Showerheads and sink faucets
  • Large, complex plumbing systems
  • Decorative fountains and water features
  • Plumbing systems under construction (where dead legs may be present)
  • Cooling towers (such as those used in large buildings’ air-cooling systems or industrial processes)

Water fixtures that mist or spray fine particles in the air.

It is on these aerosolized particles that Legionella bacteria go airborne and are breathed in by the unsuspecting victim.

Not everyone who is exposed, fortunately, gets sick. Those with certain risk factors are more likely to become sick if exposed and experience more serious illness if infected.

Risk Factors Increasing Risk of Infection

Most healthy individuals do not fall ill after being exposed to Legionella bacteria. However, certain groups of people are at an increased risk due to existing health factors.

While the infection can be treated with antibiotics, it is a serious illness. Most will require hospitalization to make a full recovery and 1 in 10 will die from the infection. This statistic jumps to 1 in 4 resulting in death if illness is acquired while staying in a healthcare facility.

Common risk factors include:

  • Age: People 50 years or older
  • Smoking: Both current and former smokers
  • Chronic Lung Disease: Diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema
  • Weakened Immune Systems: People with existing immune system problems due to illness, medication, or other situations such as recovering from surgery, transplant operation, or chemotherapy)
  • Underlying Health Problems: Diabetes, kidney failure, or liver failure
  • People with Cancer

How Do You Know If You Have Become Sick?

Legionnaires’ disease, despite its severe nature, often goes undiagnosed. This is because Legionnaires’ disease symptoms are very close to those of typical pneumonia. In fact, chest x-rays often cannot distinguish between pneumonia and Legionnaires’ disease.

Specialized laboratory tests are required for an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms to look out for include:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache

Other symptoms may include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Confusion

Most people begin feeling sick between two and 14 days after exposure. However, it can take longer for symptoms to appear in some cases.

Have You Become Sick with Legionnaires’ Disease in Orange County California?

If you have concerns about what you should do if you become sick with Legionnaires’ disease after visiting the Orange County area, there are a few things you can do to help yourself and the outbreak investigation.

Seek Medical Attention

If you begin experiencing Legionnaires’ disease symptoms, seek medical attention right away. In some cases, Legionella infections can become life-threatening and fatal. Notify your healthcare provider of the potential exposure risk. Request a diagnostic test if your healthcare provider does not suggest one.

Your local health department will likely be notified following your diagnosis.

Make a List

While the investigation on the source of the outbreaks appears to have stalled, your information may help the cause. Investigators may ask you questions about where you have worked, stayed, or visited in the two weeks prior to becoming ill.

The earlier that you can make this list, the more complete and accurate it will be. Have it ready in case you are asked for it.

Get Advice

If you have become sick from visiting the Orange County area, you may have questions. An experienced Legionnaires’ disease lawyer understands your situation and can assist you through the complicated legal process.

The Lange Law Firm Can Help!

If you wish to pursue a legal claim for financial compensation, The Lange Law Firm, PLLC can help. Call (833) 330-3663 or send us an email for a free, no obligation consultation. A member of our compassionate team will go over the details of your situation to determine if you have a legal case.

Call today to get the help and justice you deserve!

By: Heather Van Tassell (contributing writer, non-lawyer)

Heather Van Tassell

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