Salmonella attorney

FDA Investigates Two Salmonella Outbreaks with Sources Not Yet Identified

In the last 30 days, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced two Salmonella outbreaks with no source…

9 months ago

Austin Public School Salmonella Exposure Warning Issued After Recalled Ingredient Was Used to Prepare School Lunches

Austin Public School Salmonella exposure warning issued after recalled ingredient was used to prepare school lunches. Parents of Austin Public…

10 months ago

Another Trader Joe’s Recall Announcement. Trader Joe’s Recalls Low Sodium Cashews.

Another Trader Joe’s recall is announced. This time for Low Sodium Cashews that may contain the harmful bacterial pathogen, Salmonella.…

1 year ago

Onion Salmonella Outbreak – Is Your Store on the List?

By now you may have heard about the onion recall.  As more information surfaces during the investigation, the affected products…

5 years ago

California Red Onion Salmonella Outbreak

California is among 34 states to have an outbreak of Salmonella due to red onions. This doesn’t come as a…

5 years ago

US Red Onions Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 339 Canadians

339 Canadians are sick in the US Red Onions Salmonella Outbreak.  The Public Health Agency of Canada announced that, “Investigators…

5 years ago

Red Onions Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 1208 in US and Canada

Red Onions have sickened 1208 people in the US and Canada.  For weeks the CDC and Public Health Agency of…

5 years ago

271 Sick in Mystery Salmonella Outbreak

212 people in 23 states are sick in a Mystery Salmonella Outbreak deemed by the CDC as "a multistate outbreak…

5 years ago

University of Maryland Salmonella

The University of Maryland reported three students getting sick with Salmonella, two of the cases being confirmed at the outside…

6 years ago

Outpost Natural Foods Salmonella Outbreak

4 people have contracted Salmonella in the Outpost Natural Foods Salmonella Outbreak in Milwaukee. A Salmonella lawyer says that Salmonella lawsuits…

6 years ago