Raw Milk Outbreak

Paradise Grove Dairy Campylobacter Outbreak Sickens 18 So Far

Paradise Grove Dairy Campylobacter outbreak sickens 18 so far. Idaho Public Health officials are currently investigating reports of Campylobacter infections…

7 months ago

Listeria Found in Big Brook Farm Raw Milk Samples. A Snapshot into How Raw Milk is Monitored.

Big Brook Farm raw milk samples tested positive for the deadly bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes. The New York State Department of…

1 year ago

Swan Bros Raw Milk Campylobacter Food Poisoning

Oklahoma is undergoing a statewide recall for raw milk products produced by Swan Bros. Dairy, Inc.. At this time, there…

5 years ago

Bruce Who? Raw Milk From Pennsylvania Linked to Brucella Infection

Raw milk is in the news again, with an outbreak no less. Is it Listeria? E. coli? Salmonella? Nope.  This…

6 years ago

Raw Milk Cheese Strikes Again

There has been a sharp increase in the number of Salmonella cases in San Diego county. Through mid-December, the county…

6 years ago

Pot ‘O Gold Dairy Raw Milk Outbreak

Another large salmonella outbreak has occurred, and this time it is directly linked to raw milk sold from Pot ‘O…

6 years ago

Cheesy Shutdown

A New York creamery that sold raw milk and cheese laced with Listeria monocytogenes caused a fatal outbreak in 2017, sickening…

7 years ago