Legionnaires disease Lawyer

School Closes in Chesterfield Legionnaires Disease Outbreak

The Virginia Department of Health announced that there are 10 cases of Legionnaires’ disease confirmed in the northeast quadrant of…

6 years ago

Harlem NYCHA Building Undergoes Legionnaires Testing

The Health Department is evaluating water system at a NYCHA apartment building in Harlem. According to health officials, 2 cases…

6 years ago

The Link Between Cooling Towers and Legionnaires’ Disease

Lately there have been a lot of reports of Legionnaires’ disease in the news.  New York has been the recent…

6 years ago

5 Dead, 22 Ill in Legionnaires Disease Outbreak in Union County, New Jersey

Hot off the presses! The New Jersey Department of Health has announced a fatal Union County Legionnaires Disease outbreak. Here's…

6 years ago

Deadly Legionnaires’ Outbreak at Promenade Assisted Living Facility Legionnaires’ in Guilderland, NY

One person has died and another has been infected with Legionella bacteria in a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak that the Albany…

6 years ago

An Unfortunate Day at the Spa: Crookston Legionnaires Outbreak

A disease is the last thing anyone wants to get at the spa. That may be what some unfortunate souls…

6 years ago

Legionnaires Disease in Brooke County, West Virginia

West Virginia is hit again with reports of legionnaires’ disease. At this time there have been five cases reported in…

6 years ago

Stella Maris Legionnaires Outbreak

Two residents at Stella Maris campus have fallen sick by contracting Legionnaires disease. The residents were living in an independent-living…

6 years ago

Ships Are a High Risk for Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires is becoming increasingly common these days. It is a severe, and sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia that spreads through…

6 years ago

The Legacy of Legionnaires

Cases of Legionnaires’ disease are springing up all over the country recently. In my beloved former borough of Bronx, New…

6 years ago