food poisoning lawyer

Halloween Food Safety

That time of year is coming when the spooky and adorable costumed children come knocking on your door. We love…

6 years ago

Crops and Flood Waters – Is The Food Safe?

The southern states have been slammed lately with one hurricane or tropical storm after another. It seems like we take…

6 years ago

Phthalates: The Harsh Chemicals in Restaurant Foods

There is a new study that proves burgers and other fast foods consumed at restaurants, fast food outlets, and cafeterias…

6 years ago

MMWR & The Burden of Food Poisoning

United States has been taking continuous food safety measures, but the burden of food poisoning still has taken a toll…

6 years ago

The Risks of Honey

People like to eat sweet things. There’s no shame in that. We sweeten our tea, we sweeten our cakes, we…

6 years ago

It’s National Pasta Day!

Pasta holds a special place in the hearts and minds of diners around the world. The versatility, tastiness and ease…

6 years ago

World Food Day

World Food Day, commemorated on the 16th of October each year, is the day that the world comes together to…

6 years ago

What’s in Your Kitchen?  A Week in Recalls: Ham Products and Breaded Chicken Tenders would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list…

6 years ago

The Dangers of Staph

Staphylococcus or Staph bacteria live in the nose of one-third of individuals and on the skin of 1 in 5…

6 years ago

Listeria Caramel Apples: What We Have Learned

Halloween is getting closer, which means that it’s time for unfounded rumors on Facebook. That’s right: fall is barely here,…

6 years ago