E. coli O26

What is E coli O26 in the Publix Cargill E coli Outbreak?What is E coli O26 in the Publix Cargill E coli Outbreak?

What is E coli O26 in the Publix Cargill E coli Outbreak?

For those following the Publix E coli Ground Beef Outbreak, the authorities have reported Cargill is the manufacturer. Despite this link,…

6 years ago
Publix’s E. coli Uh-Oh, O26 That Is…Publix’s E. coli Uh-Oh, O26 That Is…

Publix’s E. coli Uh-Oh, O26 That Is…

Ground beef sold at Publix this summer may have infected 18 people with E. coli O26.  The E. coli-contaminated beef…

6 years ago