E. coli attorney

McDonalds E. coli Outbreak, 49 Sick and 1 Death

Today a new outbreak has been announced by the CDC linked to the ever-popular fast food chain, McDonalds. So far,…

5 months ago

Gibson Farms Linked to Walnut E. coli Outbreak

Gibson Farms linked to walnut E. coli outbreak. E. coli in walnuts? Gibson Farms issued a recall for their Organic…

11 months ago

King County Public Health Recently Issued Information on an E. coli Outbreak from PCC Guacamole. At Least Five Cases So Far!

King County Public Health recently issued a foodborne illness outbreak alert for store-made guacamole from PCC. This E. coli outbreak…

1 year ago

Adam Bros. Red Lettuce Recall

A Santa Maria, California farm that has been linked to the romaine lettuce warning from the CDC on the eve…

6 years ago

Adams Bros. – The Alleged Culprit Behind the Latest Romaine Scare

Adam Bros., a farm in Santa Maria, California, has been identified as a potential culprit behind the romaine lettuce scare…

6 years ago

FDA Confirms Retailers in Cargill Beef Outbreak

   The United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerted consumers that a beef product recall was “officially…

6 years ago

Walmart Blockchain and Romaine

What if we had a better way of tracking our food from farm to fork? One that allowed us to…

6 years ago

What’s in Your Kitchen? Recalls: Ground Beef Recall and More

MakeFoodSafe.com would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list…

6 years ago

Publix Cargill E coli Ground Beef Recall

The BBQ season is over. The daily banquets of your favorite grilled meat is on hold for another year unfortunately.…

7 years ago

Beware of E. coli at the Petting Zoo

We have become so used to the fact that E. coli and Salmonella infections are spread through meat, leafy vegetables,…

7 years ago