Elite Childcare Academy Salmonella Outbreak

6 years ago

A local daycare closed its doors today following a Salmonella outbreak in Omaha, Nebraska.According to local media, the Douglas County Health…

What Do Climate Change, Fruit Flies and Food Poisoning Have Common?

6 years ago

“It’s a cool place, and they say it gets colder.  You’re bundled up now wait ‘til you get older.  But…

The Link Between Cooling Towers and Legionnaires’ Disease

6 years ago

Lately there have been a lot of reports of Legionnaires’ disease in the news.  New York has been the recent…

What IS the “Dirtiest” Food We Eat?

6 years ago

Once upon a time, I was convinced that the dirtiest food on earth resided in my daughter’s room. But after…

Death by Cookie? Hidden Risks of Raw Cookie Dough

6 years ago

Raw cookie dough.  You either love it or you hate it.  I happen to be smack firmly in the hate…

ALDI Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli O26 Outbreak

6 years ago

Imagine my dismay when learning that Aldi Baker’s Corner Flour has been linked to an Ecoli O26 outbreak. A product…

Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli Outbreak

6 years ago

Bakers beware. There's yet another outbreak of Ecoli linked to flour - this time there's an Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli…

5 Dead, 22 Ill in Legionnaires Disease Outbreak in Union County, New Jersey

6 years ago

Hot off the presses! The New Jersey Department of Health has announced a fatal Union County Legionnaires Disease outbreak. Here's…

Del Monte Veggie Tray Salmonella Outbreak

6 years ago

Del Monte is back in the news today. Why? Not for Cyclospora. But instead for a Del Monte Veggie Tray…

The FDA’s Recall Authority

6 years ago

Here’s a scary situation: what happens if the government finds out that a particular food is contaminated or dangerous (like…