Tippecanoe County Department of Health announced today that it is investigating a cluster of Salmonella cases linked to West Lafayette grocery store La Aldea Grocery Store at 2801 Klondike Road. The TC DOH department is coordinating with the state Department of Health on its investigation into this La Aldea Store Salmonella Outbreak.
The health department has not yet released any information about the number of people sick, a potential source, or whether anyone has been hospitalized. We await further developments and will update them here.
Customers of La Aldea Grocery Store who have eaten or drank products from the store between Sept. 7 and Sept. 17 and are experiencing symptoms of salmonella should call the Tippecanoe County Health Department at 765-423-9222 ext. 1. Those symptoms include diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps.
The Tippecanoe County Health Department and Indiana Department of Health are continuing to investigate the matter.
According to their Facebook, La Aldea Grocery Store is a store and Tex-Mex restaurant “[o]ffering authentic Mexican dishes at very affordable prices.” They also note they serve “Authentic Mexican food is based on the old world receipts and traditional Mexican cooking still found in the villages of Mexico.”
Salmonella is a foodborne bacterium and a common cause of food poisoning. It is often found in a variety of sources. Fruits, vegetables, meats (poultry in particular), and even dairy.
While each individual may experience some varying types and degrees of symptoms, most people with Salmonella infections experience:
• Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
• Stomach cramps
• Fever
Other common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or headache. Symptoms generally begin anywhere from 6 hours to 4 days after exposure. These infections will typically last around 4 to 7 days.
While many cases are so mild that the sickened individual may chalk it up to a little stomach bug and ride out the symptoms until they resolve on their own, others may not fair so well.
More serious Salmonella symptoms include:
• Diarrhea with a fever higher than 102 ºF
• Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days without improvement
• Bloody Stools
• Prolonged vomiting that prevents you from keeping liquids down
• Dehydration symptoms that include:
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of Salmonella and other food related illnesses is to simply wash your hands. Here are a few tips from the CDC on when it is necessary to wash our hands:
Here are 5 steps to washing your hands:
Our mission is to help families who have been harmed by contaminated food or water. When corporations cause Salmonella food poisoning outbreaks, we use the law to hold them accountable. The Lange Law Firm is the only law firm in the nation solely focused on helping families in food poisoning lawsuits and contaminated water lawsuits.
If you got Salmonella food poisoning in this La Aldea Store Salmonella Outbreak and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation, we can help. Our Salmonella lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your Salmonella food poisoning. Call us for a free no obligation legal consultation at (833) 330-3663 or send us an e-mail here.
By: Candess Zona-Mendola
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