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Hepatitis A Exposure at Main Deck Prompts Call for Prophylaxis Vaccination

A potential hepatitis A exposure at Main Deck restaurant prompts a Yates County civic alert for those who dined at the restaurant between March 27 and April 12.

Here’s what we know about the potential exposure and subsequent call for prophylaxis vaccination.

Potential Hepatitis A Exposure at Main Deck

On April 16, 2024, Yates County Public Health issued a civic alert for a potential Hepatitis A virus exposure even at a Yates County restaurant.

According to the news release, the potential exposure at the Main Deck restaurant, located at 301 Lake Street, Penn Yan, New York. It occurred between March 27 and April 12.

“People who ate at the Main Deck restaurant (301 Lake Street, Penn Yan, NY) between March 27 and April 12 were potentially exposed to the hepatitis A virus.”

According to the restaurant, an employee was diagnosed with this contagious virus. The restaurant is working with county health officials on this potential exposure event.

Main Deck Restaurant Issues Statement on Social Media

Main Deck restaurant director of operations issued a statement on the eatery’s Instagram page on April 17.

“We were made aware yesterday that an employee at Main Deck has been diagnosed with hepatitis A. The health and safety of our patrons and employees is our highest priority. We are aware that our patrons may have had an exposure risk, and we are cooperating fully and transparently with the Yates County Public Health and the NYS Department of Health authorities. The NYS Department of Health conducted a thorough inspection of the restaurant yesterday and has cleared us to remain open.”

— Erin Phillips, Director of Operations, Main Deck

While the restaurant has been cleared by the state health department, the establishment has opted to close until April 19 to allow all employees time to be vaccinated.

“In order to facilitate the vaccination of our employees, Main Deck with be closed until Friday, April 19th.”

Health Department Urges Vaccination Following Hepatitis A Exposure at Main Deck

In response to this hepatitis A exposure at main Deck restaurant, health officials are strongly advising vaccination protocols as prophylaxis against this contagious virus.

Not everyone exposed to hepatitis A will become sick. Most people do not become infected when an employee at a restaurant has hepatitis A, but the risk is still there. The department urges people who may have been exposed to receive treatment to prevent infection if possible.

“While the risk of hepatitis A infection is low, we must act carefully to prevent the spread of this very contagious disease,” said Dough Sinclair, Yates County Public Health Director. “Anyone who may have eaten at this restaurant during this timeframe should check their immunization status and if not already vaccinated against Hepatitis A, come to our free clinic or visit their healthcare provider if they are experiencing symptoms.”

Yates County Public Health Vaccination Clinic

Prophylaxis vaccination for hepatitis A is only effective if the first dose is administered within two weeks of exposure to the virus.  Yates County Public Health is holding a vaccination clinic for those who ate at the Main Deck restaurant during the potentially infectious period in the last two weeks.

Yates County Public Health Vaccination Clinic

Yates County Office Building

417 Liberty Street, Penn Yan, New York

1:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Vaccinations for those who ate food from the Main Deck restaurant between April 4 and April 12.

To schedule an appointment, visit www.yatescountypublichealth.org. For those unable to attend the clinic at that time, the news release indicates to call their office at (315) 536-5160.

What If it Has Been More Than Two Weeks?

As vaccine protocols for prophylaxis are only effective within two weeks. If it has been more than two weeks, self-monitoring is recommended.

“Those who ate at Main Deck between March 27 and April 3 may have been exposed, but receiving the hepatitis A vaccine now will not prevent infection from this exposure.”

Those who may have been exposed during this hepatitis A exposure at Main Deck and are outside of that two-week window should monitor themselves and their families for hepatitis A symptoms for the 50 days following exposure.

Hepatitis A Symptoms

Children under 6 years old usually do not experience symptoms. If symptoms are present, they usually do not have the jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin) normally associated with hepatitis A infection.

Symptoms usually include:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dark urine
  • Diarrhea
  • Clay colored stool
  • Joint pain
  • Jaundice

If you experience symptoms, reach out to your healthcare provider to get tested for Hepatitis A.

How Does Vaccination After Exposure Work?

State and local health authorities are urging prophylaxis vaccination following the Hepatitis A exposure at Main Deck restaurant. But how does vaccination after exposure work?

Studies have shown that hepatitis A vaccinations administered within 2 weeks of exposure protects against the viral infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prophylactic vaccination after exposure is more effective the earlier it is received.

An addtional step may be needed for people with certain pre-existing conditions such as chronic liver disease or are immunocompromised. This may include an additional precaution. Co-administering immune globulin (0.1 mL/kg) may help boost the recipients’ immune system. The second dose of hepatitis A vaccine should be followed 6 months after initial vaccination.

Full immunity requires completing the series and will protect the recipient for up to 20 years. However, if only one vaccine is administered the recipient may still be protected for up to 10 years. For those wanting to ensure full protective antibody levels, follow up with your primary care provider. A second dose 6 months after receiving the first one will be needed.

Have You Become Sick from this Hepatitis A Exposure at Main Deck Restaurant?

If you have become sick after eating food at Main Deck restaurant, you may have a legal case. The experienced hepatitis A lawyers at The Lange Law Firm, PLLC have helped so many families with cases just like yours. Reach out to (833) 330-3663 or click here to email for a free consultation.

The compassionate team at The Lange Law Firm, PLLC can help walk you through the complicated legal process. They can get you the help you need and deserve.

By: Heather Van Tassell (content writer, non-lawyer)

Heather Van Tassell

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