Our Blog

The Legacy of Legionnaires Disease

Cases of Legionnaires’ disease are springing up all over the country recently. In my beloved former borough of Bronx, New…

6 years ago

10 Mistakes You Could Be Making with Raw Chicken

A lot of people love to cook. This is a wonderful and creative thing, especially popular amongst budget-lovers who are…

6 years ago

Zego Making Food Safer for Those with Food Allergies

It looks like the future is finally here. You’ve been reading about QR codes, advanced new testing methods, and the…

6 years ago

What’s in Your Kitchen?  A Week in Recalls: Ramen Recall, Poultry, Tahini, Parfaits, and Cheese

MakeFoodSafe.com would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list…

6 years ago

How Does Salmonella Beef Contamination Happen?

Month have passed since since the initial reports on Cargill Meat resulted in a recall of 132,000 pounds of deadly…

6 years ago

Wild Game Food Safety from a Wild Game Home Chef

Hunting season is upon us here in Virginia and with that comes the fact that there will be animals brought…

6 years ago

Capri Sun Mold Went Viral Again

A father in Tennessee stirred up a fuss on Facebook in September with a post about his child’s Capri Sun…

6 years ago

Fisherman Offers Advice on Avoiding Vibrio

What jobs would you associate with the phrase “flesh eating bacteria?”Mad scientist, maybe? Something in the medical field? Perhaps a…

6 years ago

Thanksgiving Food Safety Tips

Preparing a thanksgiving meal is a huge task. It requires planning, skill, practice and most importantly, keeping in mind food…

6 years ago

California Home Chefs Can Now Sell Their Food Legally

People who bake as a hobby in California can soon start to sell their homemade goods legally. This is a…

6 years ago