I pride myself in being the opposite of a picky eater. In my life, I have been willing to try…
Raw milk is in the news again, with an outbreak no less. Is it Listeria? E. coli? Salmonella? Nope. This…
It is difficult to bring great news to you due to things having the ability to turn in moments but…
Researchers at Kansas State University have been looking into the safety of something that all of us have done: brown…
You probably already know the foods that are likely to give you food poisoning. Some things are just riskier to…
West Virginia is hit again with reports of legionnaires’ disease. At this time there have been five cases reported in…
MakeFoodSafe.com would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods. Each week we bring together a list…
Remember that scene from the classic slapstick film The Naked Gun where an attendee at a baseball game between the…
In the midst of a government shutdown, the CDC was still conducing investigations to determine the sources of outbreaks. And…
Food recalls in the United States have slowed to a crawl as the federal government continues to grapple with the…