Food Safety

PulseNet Proclaims Whole Genome Sequencing as New Gold Standard

A foodborne illness outbreak can be anywhere from 2 people falling ill from the same food source to hundreds or…

6 years ago

C.Diff Threat to Elderly Hospital Patients

A kind of dangerous bacteria called Clostridioides difficile or C.Diff is posing a threat to very sick and elderly hospital…

6 years ago

Food Safety Better at Fast Food or Full-Service Restaurants?

When you go out to eat, there is a level of trust you are putting in the hands of the…

6 years ago

Are Leftovers Safe to Eat?

Leftovers have become an imminent part of our daily lives. We aren't always able to finish what we have cooked…

6 years ago

CBD Oil and Salmonella

As the controversy rages on over the legalization of marijuana, new issues arise. Not with the law itself, but with…

6 years ago

Energy Drink Safety

As a writer, there is a stigma surrounding drinking large amounts of coffee to fuel the creative juices. While this…

6 years ago

4 Basic Food Safety Principles

We talk a lot about food safety principles. I see it linked a lot but how many of us actually…

6 years ago

School Lunch Food Safety

School is back in session! Even though it has been a while since my kids were in school, I still…

6 years ago

Yucatan Taco Closed Amid Bad Health Inspection

The Yucatan Taco restaurant on West Magnolia Avenue was temporarily closed after a routine health inspection. The 11-year old restaurant…

6 years ago

Masonic Snow Lodge Outbreak

Attendees at a charity barbecue this last Friday went home with more than just leftovers. Some went home with a…

6 years ago