Food Safety

School Lunch Food Safety

School is back in session! Even though it has been a while since my kids were in school, I still…

5 years ago

Yucatan Taco Closed Amid Bad Health Inspection

The Yucatan Taco restaurant on West Magnolia Avenue was temporarily closed after a routine health inspection. The 11-year old restaurant…

5 years ago

Masonic Snow Lodge Outbreak

Attendees at a charity barbecue this last Friday went home with more than just leftovers. Some went home with a…

5 years ago

How a Food Recall Works

Recalls for flour.  Recalls for eggs, ground beef, and more.  Every time you turn around there is another recall.  But…

5 years ago

The Dangers of Poppy Seed Tea

Have you heard of poppy seed tea? Perhaps you use it occasionally to help you sleep at night? Apparently, it’s…

6 years ago

Crowd-Sourcing Food Safety Shuts Down Restaurant

Just a few days ago I was having a conversation with someone from my generation on the topic of how…

6 years ago

What Do Climate Change, Fruit Flies and Food Poisoning Have Common?

“It’s a cool place, and they say it gets colder.  You’re bundled up now wait ‘til you get older.  But…

6 years ago

What IS the “Dirtiest” Food We Eat?

Once upon a time, I was convinced that the dirtiest food on earth resided in my daughter’s room. But after…

6 years ago

Death by Cookie? Hidden Risks of Raw Cookie Dough

Raw cookie dough.  You either love it or you hate it.  I happen to be smack firmly in the hate…

6 years ago

The FDA’s Recall Authority

Here’s a scary situation: what happens if the government finds out that a particular food is contaminated or dangerous (like…

6 years ago