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BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak

What was a mystery Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak just days ago appears to have a link. Health officials with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) are working with local health departments, along with the CDC and FDA, to investigate a multi-state outbreak of salmonella typhimurium. Officials say it is linked to BrightFarms brand Sunny Crunch salad that was produced in Rochelle, Illinois. Here is what we know about this BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak:

Fast Facts of BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak

  • Illnesses: 8
  • Hospitalizations: 0
  • Deaths: 0
  • States: 2
  • Recall: No
  • Investigation status: Active
  • States with Cases: IL (5), WI (3)
  • Product Distribution*: IL, WI, IA, IN
    *Distribution has been confirmed for states listed, but product could have been distributed further, reaching additional states


BrightFarms brand Sunny Crunch salad produced in Rochelle, IL

  • Green leaf lettuce in a plastic clamshell container
  • Labeled with “fresh from Rochelle, IL”
  • Distributed to at least four states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin)
  • Any “best by” date

At least five people ate or bought this product before getting sick.

Although it is early in the investigation, epidemiological and traceback evidence from sick people indicate that this outbreak is linked to BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salad produced in Rochelle, IL. Interview data and shopper card records show that five people ate or bought BrightFarms brand Sunny Crunch salad before they got sick. FDA conducted a traceback investigation and identified the farm in Rochelle, IL, as the likely source of the BrightFarms brand Sunny Crunch salad bought by people who became ill.

Investigators are working to identify if additional products are contaminated.

Signs and Symptoms of Salmonella Illness

Usually, symptoms of Salmonella begin six hours to six says after infection and last four to seven days. The most common symptoms of salmonellosis are:

  • Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever within 12 to 72 hours after eating the contaminated product
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite
  • Headaches

CDC Recommendations in this BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak

  • Do not eat BrightFarms brand Sunny Crunch salad produced in Rochelle, IL. Throw it away or return it to where you bought it. Even if some of the salad was eaten and no one got sick, throw the rest away or return it.
  • Wash surfaces and containers that may have touched the salad using hot and soapy water.
  • Call your healthcare provider if you have any of these severe Salmonella symptoms:
    • Diarrhea and a fever higher than 102°F
    • Diarrhea for more than 3 days that is not improving
    • Bloody diarrhea
    • So much vomiting that you cannot keep liquids down
    • Signs of dehydration, such as:
      • Not urinating (peeing) much
      • Dry mouth and throat
      • Feeling dizzy when standing up

FDA Recommendations in this BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak

Consumers, restaurants, and retailers should not eat, sell, or serve BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salad produced in Rochelle, IL. Sunny Crunch salads are packaged in a plastic clamshell container labeled as “fresh from Rochelle, IL.” According to the firm, these products were distributed in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Indiana.

Consumers, restaurants, retailers, and distributors should check their refrigerators and throw away any of the products identified above.

If you purchased or used these products, you should use extra vigilance in cleaning and sanitizing any surfaces that may have come in contact with the product, to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

FDA recommends that anyone who has symptoms of salmonellosis contact their healthcare provider.

How The Lange Law Firm Can Help

Our mission is to help families who have been harmed by contaminated food or water.  When corporations cause Salmonella food poisoning outbreaks, we use the law to hold them accountable.  The Lange Law Firm is the only law firm in the nation solely focused on helping families in food poisoning lawsuits and contaminated water lawsuits.

If you got Salmonella food poisoning in this BrightFarms Sunny Crunch Salmonella Outbreak and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation, we can help.  Our Salmonella lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your Salmonella food poisoning.  Call us for a free no obligation legal consultation at (833) 330-3663 or send us an e-mail here.

Candess Zona-Mendola

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