
Another Large, Ready-to-Eat Poultry Listeria Recall

Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced another large, ready-to-eat poultry recall that consumers should check for.

The USDA, the food safety governing body for this type of product, announced the recall for various ready-to-eat and precooked poultry, beef, and pork products on November 9, 2024.

Here’s what we know about this large, ready-to-eat poultry Listeria recall and why it is so dangerous.

Yu Shang Food, Inc Issues Ready-to-Eat Poultry Listeria Recall

The packaged food manufacturer, Yu Shang Food, Inc headquartered in Spartanburg, South Carolina, issued a recalled through the USDA for certain meat and poultry products. Thousands of pounds of product are included in this recall.

According to the recall notice, the establishment “is recalling approximately 4,589 pounds of ready-to-eat (RTE) meat and poultry products out of an abundance of caution.” The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) says that these products “may be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes.” A really bad germ that can impact the food supply and make the consumer very sick.

Recalled Items

Affected products were produced between October 21 and October 27, 2024. “Used by” dates for this recall range from 21-AUG-2025 through 27-AUG-2025.

An establishment number of P-46684 or EST. M46684 can be found inside the USDA mark of inspection.

Recalled products were distributed to retail locations across the country and were available for purchase online.

Recalled product list:

  • Yushang Brand Cooked Chicken, 20 oz Vacuum Pack
  • Seasoned Pork Hock, 20 oz
  • Japanese Chashu Pork Belly, 16 oz Vacuum Pack
  • Braised Pork Belly in Brown Sauce, 16 oz
  • Yushang Brand Cooked Pork Hock, 1.4 lbs
  • Chinese Brand Spicy Chicken Feet
  • Bazhen Seasoned Whole Chicken, 20 oz
  • Braised Beef Shank, 16 oz
  • Seasoned Pork Tongues, 12 oz

How Was the Problem Discovered?

Yu Shang Food, Inc’s packaged meat and poultry products fall under the regulatory jurisdiction of the USDA. These activities are carried out by the FSIS, who conducts routine sampling activities to help keep our food supply safe.

During this routine testing and follow-up activities of finished products made by Yu Shang Food, Inc on October 21, 2024, the problem was discovered.

Product samples contained the harmful pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.

Why is This a Big Deal?

Of course, any food adulteration is a pretty big deal. We expect the foods we buy and consume to be safe and free from adulteration. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Sometimes breaches in safety protocols leave our food supply vulnerable to harmful pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes.

But you may be thinking, these are meat products and poultry. Don’t these products usually have Salmonella or Listeria in them?

Why is this a big deal?

Recalled Products are “Ready-to-Eat”

The reason this recall is a big deal, is that instead of these foods coming to the consumer and distributed raw, they are packaged and intended as ready-to-eat food.

In this case, no additional cooking step is needed. All the products contain optional instructions to microwave prior to serving. A method that can kill harmful germs if cooked long enough and an appropriate internal temperature is achieved. However, this is unlikely.

In fact, at least one of the recalled product’s preparations instructions offer a serving instruction of eating the product cold or alternatively adding to a noodle soup. If consumed raw, there is no heat step that will potentially kill lurking Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.

Bacteria Potentially Contaminating Recalled Products is Cold Hardy

What makes this ready-to-eat poultry Listeria recall even more dangerous is the nature of the pathogen involved.

And while all of the recalled products indicate they are to be kept refrigerated, Listeria bacteria are not bothered by the cold. While refrigerated temperatures can slow down many different bacterial species’ growth. Listeria can happily thrive and reproduce in cold temperatures. Making it very dangerous for ready-to-eat food products.

What is Listeria?

Listeria monocytogenes is the bacteria responsible for listeriosis. It causes a serious infection and is often associated with contaminated food.

The CDC estimates around 1,600 people become sick with listeriosis each year. About 260 of those die from the illness.

While anyone can become infected with Listeria, most normally healthy people do not become seriously ill. There are certain groups, however, that are more at risk of becoming sick or experiencing more severe illness.

High-risk groups include:

  • Adults over 65 years
  • Pregnant people and their newborns
  • People with a weakened immune system

Complicated Symptoms to Look Out for With Ready-to-Eat Poultry Listeria Recall

Listeria bacteria cause a complicated range of symptoms. These symptoms, like most bacterial infections, can cause either mild or severe illness.

A uniquely dangerous complication, however, affects those who are pregnant.

Additionally, Listeria infections can cause intestinal illness or potential system-wide problems if the bacteria leave the digestive system and attack other parts of the body.

Intestinal Illness

One of the most common symptom profiles of Listeria illness involves intestinal illness. Intestinal illness occurs when the bacteria affect the digestive system.

Common symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea beginning within 24 hours of consuming something contaminated with Listeria bacteria. These symptoms often resolve within three days.

Most people with intestinal Listeria illness do not require medical intervention or antibiotic treatment. Plenty of rest, fluids, and treating the symptoms is your best bet.

Intestinal Listeria illness can evolve to a more invasive illness.

Invasive Illness

Listeria bacteria cause invasive illness when they leave the digestive system and enter other parts of the body. Invasive listeriosis affects pregnant people and non-pregnant people in different ways. For both categories, invasive illness symptoms usually begin about two weeks after exposure.

Invasive Listeriosis in Pregnant People

While personal symptoms of invasive listeriosis are milder in pregnant people, the impact on the pregnancy poses potentially serious consequences. Someone who is pregnant and experiencing invasive listeriosis may have fever, fatigue, and muscle aches. However, listeriosis during pregnancy can lead to still birth, premature deliver, miscarriage, or life-threatening infection in the newborn.

Invasive Listeriosis in Non-Pregnant People

Those who are not pregnant have a higher risk of serious illness or death. Invasive listeriosis in non-pregnant people often includes headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions. Some may also experience fever and/or muscle aches. This infection can be serious or even life-threatening. 1 in 20 nonpregnant people with invasive listeriosis will die from their illness.

Non-pregnant People

People who are not pregnant often experience symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions. Fever and muscle aches are also possible symptoms. This type of illness can be serious and life-threatening. Most people with invasive listeriosis require medical treatment and often need hospitalization. 1 in 20 non-pregnant people with invasive listeriosis will die from their illness.

Have You Become Sick After Eating Yu Shang Foods Ready-to-Eat Poultry Listeria Recall Products?

If you have fallen sick from eating Yu Shang Foods ready-to-eat poultry Listeria recall products, you may be eligible for legal compensation.

The Lange Law Firm, PLLC has helped many families with cases just like yours help hold accountable those responsible for foodborne illness. When a company becomes negligent, people become sick.

If you have become sick after eating affected Yu Shang Foods ready-to-eat products, you should get advice. An experienced Listeria lawyer can help navigate you through the legal process.

Call (833) 330-3663 or submit your information on the online submission form for a free consultation.

By: Heather Van Tassell (contributing writer, non-lawyer)

Heather Van Tassell

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