Outbreaks & Recalls

An E. coli Outbreak at Twin Cities Restaurants in Minnesota Has Been Traced Back to Wolverine Beef Packing Co.

The Minnesota Department of Health is investigating an E. coli outbreak at Twin Cities restaurants. This outbreak that has sickened at least 11 people has been connected to a larger contamination event from Wolverine Beef Packing Co.

Here’s what we know so far about the E. coli outbreak at Twin Cities restaurants in Minnesota and what to know if you became sick from eating burgers.

E. coli Outbreak at Twin Cities Restaurants

According to reports from the Minnesota Department of Health, at least 11 confirmed cases of E. coli infections have been linked to the E. coli outbreak at Twin Cities restaurants after consuming burgers.

Ten of those cases were linked to Red Cow restaurants located in Hennepin, Ramsey, and Olmsted counties. Once case was reported from Hen House Eatery in downtown Minneapolis.

Other Restaurants Could Also Be Associated with the Outbreak

A common supplier, Wolverine Packing Co., also supplied ground beef to other area restaurants. While these specific restaurants in the Twin City area have identified illnesses, other area restaurants could also be associated with the outbreak.

The distributor, US Foods may have also delivered the impacted product to around 61 other restaurants.

Additional illnesses may surface.

Outbreak Patient Data

According to health officials, outbreak patients indicated eating meals at the restaurants between October 31, 2024 and November 7, 2024.

Ages of outbreak patients range from nine years old to 70 years old.

Red Cow Issues Statement

Restaurants have been working with state and local health authorities after notification of sick patrons. No restaurant closures were needed following the outbreak. The affected product was removed and restaurants were thoroughly disinfected and sanitized.

“In response, we took immediate action to work with public health officials to remove the suspected product from our restaurants and have removed the producers from our supply chain,” the statement said. “Red Cow is no longer serving the ground beef that was identified as the potential source. In addition to the product-producer changes.”

Wolverine Packing Co. Associated with E. coli Outbreak at Twin Cities Restaurants

The source of the E. coli outbreak at Twin Cities restaurants appears to be linked to beef that has since been recalled. Wolverine Packing Co. ground beef products.

The recall was first announced on November 20, 2024 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) after a ground beef sample collected by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture during their investigation of a cluster of illnesses tested positive for E. coli O157.

So far, 15 people have fallen sick with the same E. coli outbreak strain in the state. Illness onset for these patients range from November 2, 2024 to November 10, 2024.

The investigation is ongoing.

The Problem with E. coli

Escherichia coli, better known as E. coli is a bacteria that can live and grow in the intestinal tract of humans and animals.

Some of these E. coli strains are harmless.

Friendly, even. Some E. coli strains belong to a healthy microbiome to help your body process foods into nutrients you can use.

Others, on the other hand, can cause serious illness. Especially those like the strain involved in this outbreak.

This outbreak involves a strain of E. coli O157. One of the more serious strains of the bacteria. Mostly because this type of E. coli makes a toxin that can cause severe illness.

  1. coli O157 is a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or STEC.

Cooking to sufficient internal temperatures will kill bacteria present in food. Heat generally does nothing to inactivate toxins that have already been produced in said food.

Symptoms to Look Out For

If you have eaten from restaurants in the Twin Cities area, you may have been exposed to this harmful germ.

Symptoms usually begin within a week of consuming something contaminated with the bacteria, though complications may take a little longer to surface. Some people feel sick in as little as one day after eating contaminated food, while others may take 10 or more days before symptoms appear.

Common symptoms include:

  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Watery or bloody diarrhea (three or more loose stools in a 24-hour period)
  • Vomiting
  • Fever (not always present) below 101° F.

Symptoms generally resolve within five to seven days. However, some people may experience more severe illness or serious, life-threatening complications.

One of those complications being hemolytic uremic syndrome or HUS.

HUS, a Life-Threatening Complication

HUS is a complication that affects the kidney’s ability to filter properly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around five to 10% of people diagnosed with STEC infections go on to develop HUS. Typically, HUS symptoms begin about the time diarrheal symptoms start to improve (usually around seven days after initial diarrheal illness).

HUS results from an E. coli infection where the bacterial toxins cross the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream. These toxins damage the tiny blood vessels and break up certain blood cells, leading clogs in kidney tubes.

HUS Symptoms often include:

  • Decreased urination
  • Feeling very tired
  • Paleness in cheeks and inside lower eyelids

Those diagnosed with HUS must be hospitalized for treatment and to be monitored for kidney failure. Blood transfusions and IV fluids are typical treatments for this illness.

About half of those hospitalized for this complication undergo dialysis (a short-term kidney replacement treatment that filters the blood to give the kidneys a break).

Most patients (about 85% will have full recovery, though certain long-term complications such as high blood pressure, other kidney problems, and potential damage to the brain, pancreas, liver, and heart.

Minnesota Department of Health Urges Sick People to Get Medical Attention

The Minnesota Department of Health indicates that anyone who ate a burger at a Twin City area restaurant since October 31, 2024 to monitor themselves for symptoms. If you developed diarrhea or symptoms consistent with HUS, contact your health care provider immediately.

Were You Impacted by the E. coli Outbreak at Twin Cities Restaurants?

If you have been impacted by the E. coli outbreak at Twin Cities restaurants and want advice, The Lange Law Firm, PLLC has an E. coli lawyer that can help.

Interested in making a legal claim for compensation? Call The Lange Law Firm, PLLC at (833) 330-3663 or send an email for a free, no obligation consultation.

By: Heather Van Tassell (contributing writer, non-lawyer)

Heather Van Tassell

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