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vibrio lawyer

Drink This Virus Cocktail & Call Me in the Morning

Norovirus | July 24, 2018

What would you think if your doctor told you to drink a virus in order to kill a virus? Would you do it, or would you call him crazy? In today’s day and age, it seems that science is always… read more

Health Department Makes Reporting Food Poisoning Easier

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | July 22, 2018

Have you ever spent a few agonizing hours unsure if you’ve caught some kind of stomach flu or if the food you ate at that grill down the road has given you food poisoning? Since food poisoning effects 1 out… read more

Vibrio in Oysters – Another Life Lost

Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | July 19, 2018

While not everyone enjoys consuming this slippery delicacy, oysters are a high-end delicacy served in restaurants across the entire globe. It seems that people either love them or hate them, though we know surprisingly little about this tasty, slimy bivalve. We… read more

Foodborne Illness Thwarted by Sex Appeal?

Food Safety | July 19, 2018

Not only does sex sell, but it’s also attempting to make foods safe. Well, not directly, but for one product sex appeal is the means to a solution. How is one company capitalizing on sex appeal to thwart food safety… read more

Moss Discovered that Removes Arsenic from Water

Water | July 18, 2018

Let’s talk arsenic for a second. That may sound odd for a food safety blog; but, remember, we care deeply about water, too. No pun intended. There are some amazing things happening that could potentially lead to a healthier planet…. read more

Vibrio Sickens At Least 12 in Maryland Linked to Crab. How Does Vibrio Contaminate Shellfish?

Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | July 17, 2018

Crab meat imported from Venezuela sickens at least 12 in Maryland with Vibrio infection, health officials say.  Four have been hospitalized so far and no deaths have been reported.  Interviews indicate those affected consumed fresh, non-pasteurized crab meats from a… read more

Think Again Before You Slurp Down That Oyster

Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | July 12, 2018

Raw oysters are often linked to vibrio illnesses. As ocean temperatures rise, the cases of vibrio linked to raw oysters has risen as well. But raw oysters tend to be paired with another concerning pathogen, norovirus. And we see this… read more

Vibrio Cases from Venezuelan Crab Meat Showing Up in Maryland

Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | July 8, 2018

It’s the new kid on the block. Well, not really, but how many of us have heard about Vibrio before? I will be honest and raise my hand to that question – until now that is. This is a mean… read more

Vibrio in Crabs is Making Marylanders More than Just Crabby

Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | July 7, 2018

Fresh crab meat imported from Venezuela has been associated with several confirmed cases of severe bacterial illness known as Vibrio in the State of Maryland today. Crab meat found in plastic tubs can be found in many retail locations, but… read more

Oh, We Are Halfway There – A Mid-Year Recapping of Salmonella and E. coli Outbreaks

Campylobacter,E. coli,Listeria,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | June 23, 2018

Food in all its unique manifestations is meant to be enjoyed, whether it is a delectable dish such as Coq Au Vin with all its complex flavors all the way to the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich. However, when… read more