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Raw Milk

Fido Doesn’t Need Raw Milk – Pets and Raw Milk

Food Safety,Our Blog,Raw Milk | February 14, 2019

Raw milk– what is that exactly? Wikipedia explains it as the following: Raw milk or unpasteurized milk is milk that has not been pasteurized, a process of heating liquid foods to decontaminate them for safe drinking. Proponents of raw milk… read more

Raw Milk and Salmonella

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Raw Milk,Salmonella | February 12, 2019

I pride myself in being the opposite of a picky eater. In my life, I have been willing to try anything at least once and try not to judge other’s food choices. There are a lot of wonderful foods out… read more

Raw Milk Linked to Drug Resistant Campylobacter Infections

Campylobacter,Food Safety | April 8, 2018

Recently, the CDC reported a troubling outbreak linked to raw milk and Campylobacter infections. With the rise in raw milk sales, the CDC is calling for more governmental intervention in states where raw milk sales are not regulated. Despite the… read more