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Our Blog

Several Tattoo Ink Brands Positive for Bacteria

Our Blog | September 2, 2024

Several Tattoo Ink Brands Positive for Bacteria according to a new report published by the FDA. In the report, 75 sealed tattoo and permanent makeup inks were tested. Of the 75 ink samples, the FDA found 26 were contaminated with… read more

How Often to Deep Clean a Refrigerator

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 1, 2024

It is so easy to let the fridge get out of control, especially when life gets hectic. We go to the store and just toss things inside or forget things we already have and buy more creating an excess of… read more

Backyard Goat Safety

Our Blog | August 31, 2024

With the ever growing popularity of homestead life and being more sustainable so many people are moving towards having goats in their backyards. We know that chickens have become a popular backyard pet because it creates breakfast for its owner… read more

Home Garden Food Safety

Our Blog | August 30, 2024

With the ever growing popularity of gardening, living a more simple and sustainable lifestyle and the trending TikTok videos of people making daily garden harvests it is more and more important to learn home garden food safety. I know that… read more

Back to School Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 28, 2024

As kids get into the routine of going back to school its highly important to take a look at some back to school food safety tips as we can all become quite disconnected over summer break. While it is amazing… read more

How to Safely Clean a Sponge

E. coli,Our Blog,Salmonella,Staphyloccocous | August 27, 2024

It is so easy to get wrapped up in household chores and just toss a used sponge into the bottom of the sink and forget it until the next use. I have been guilty of it and I am sure… read more

Best Amusement Park and Beach Picnic Foods

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 26, 2024

Summer plans don’t have to be spoiled with a foodborne illness when you know how to pack a picnic properly. The best amusement park and beach picnic foods can be hard to decide on especially when you have picky children… read more

Water Bath Vs Pressure Canning

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 26, 2024

The age-old debate seems to come up every year as backyard gardens produce more and more food, and people concentrate on being more sustainable. Today we look at water bath vs pressure canning and find out what should and shouldn’t… read more

Avoid Food Poisoning While Flying

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 25, 2024

We all love the excitement of knowing we have a big trip planned and boarding the airplane ready to take flight. Today, we are going to talk about how to avoid food poisoning while flying because no one wants a… read more

Don’t Make the Viral Sink Drink

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog | August 24, 2024

Some trends just leave me shaking my head and wondering where we are headed as a nation with the world at our fingertips. There is apparently a trend where people are making a viral “sink drink” which led me to… read more