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Legionnaires disease Lawyer

School Closes in Chesterfield Legionnaires Disease Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 26, 2019

The Virginia Department of Health announced that there are 10 cases of Legionnaires’ disease confirmed in the northeast quadrant of Chesterfield County since May 1. As a result of this Chesterfield Legionnaires Disease Outbreak, Greenfield Elementary School has been closed… read more

Harlem NYCHA Building Undergoes Legionnaires Testing

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog | July 20, 2019

The Health Department is evaluating water system at a NYCHA apartment building in Harlem. According to health officials, 2 cases of Legionnaires’ disease have been reported at Drew-Hamilton houses on Frederick Douglass Boulevard within the past year. Could this be… read more

The Link Between Cooling Towers and Legionnaires’ Disease

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 28, 2019

Lately there have been a lot of reports of Legionnaires’ disease in the news.  New York has been the recent front-page outbreak, but it has become an increasing problem in the United States.  As recent as 2015 (less than 5… read more

5 Dead, 22 Ill in Legionnaires Disease Outbreak in Union County, New Jersey

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 24, 2019

Hot off the presses! The New Jersey Department of Health has announced a fatal Union County Legionnaires Disease outbreak. Here’s What You Need to Know Public health officials are investigating a cluster of Legionnaires disease among people who live in¾or… read more

Deadly Legionnaires’ Outbreak at Promenade Assisted Living Facility Legionnaires’ in Guilderland, NY

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 21, 2019

One person has died and another has been infected with Legionella bacteria in a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak that the Albany County Health Department has linked to the Promenade Assisted Living facility.  The Promenade Assisted Living facility is located in Guilderland… read more

An Unfortunate Day at the Spa: Crookston Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 15, 2019

A disease is the last thing anyone wants to get at the spa. That may be what some unfortunate souls got during the recent Crookston Legionnaires Outbreak. This past January, that’s exactly what happened to four people who visited Crookston Inn… read more

Legionnaires Disease in Brooke County, West Virginia

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 9, 2019

West Virginia is hit again with reports of legionnaires’ disease. At this time there have been five cases reported in Brooke County, WV, but they have yet to locate a common source or location tying them together. Here’s what you… read more

Stella Maris Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 12, 2018

Two residents at Stella Maris campus have fallen sick by contracting Legionnaires disease. The residents were living in an independent-living apartment complex located in suburban Baltimore county. The diseases were reported by the officials working with the Baltimore County Department… read more

Ships Are a High Risk for Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaire's disease | November 11, 2018

Legionnaires is becoming increasingly common these days. It is a severe, and sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia that spreads through water droplets contaminated with Legionella bacteria. Anyone that breathes in contaminated droplets can get the infection. We are currently dealing… read more

The Legacy of Legionnaires

Legionnaire's disease,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 26, 2018

Cases of Legionnaires’ disease are springing up all over the country recently. In my beloved former borough of Bronx, New York, two cases of Legionnaires’ have been confirmed, although the New York City Health Department has not classified it as… read more