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Hepatitis A Lawyer

I’ll Have the 10 Piece Bone-In Wings – Hold the Hepatitis A Please

Food Safety,Hep A,Our Blog | January 12, 2019

Sometimes your dish comes with ingredients not explicitly mentioned on the menu.  Onions or mushrooms sometimes don’t always make the dish description.  On some occasions you might end up with more than you bargained for.  Oftentimes it is Salmonella, E…. read more

Hepatitis A Strawberries Outbreak in EU

Hep A,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 30, 2018

An outbreak of Hepatitis A linked to frozen strawberries has spread from Switzerland to Austria, according to European health authorities. More than 30 people have been affected by the outbreak so far. Here is what we need to know about… read more

Hepatitis A is on the Rise, But It’s Preventable

Hep A,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 14, 2018

When there is a rise in cases of any disease concentrated in a particular area or demographic, eyebrows raise. Diseases exist – that is the fact of life. How we contract, handle, and prevent them is what should concern us… read more

A Concern of Hep A & Pomegranates

Hep A,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 31, 2018

An outbreak of hepatitis A that sickened a dozen people in Australia has been traced back to frozen pomegranates, according to local news reports. Although the outbreak has not yet reached the United States, there is still a lingering concern… read more