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foodborne lead lawyer

Lead in Cocoa Puffs Spotlights Concerns in Children’s Breakfast Cereal

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 8, 2024

Recent news of high levels of lead in Cocoa Puffs cereal, a popular brand often advertised during children’s programing, spotlights concerns over the safety of children’s breakfast cereal. How has this gone unchecked? How much lead are we talking about?… read more

Additional Ground Cinnamon Products Identified in New FDA Public Health Alert

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 29, 2024

A new U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Public Health Alert published July 25, 2024, warns consumers not to use or retailers not to sell an additional brand of ground cinnamon products. Why? “Presence of elevated levels of lead.” What… read more