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food poisoning

Can You Tell if Someone Has Food Poisoning Just By Looking at Their Face?

Botulism,E. coli,Hep A,Listeria,Norovirus,Salmonella | June 4, 2018

Some of you may have heard of the myth that a person can tell if someone has food poisoning just by looking at their face. You may have heard them comment that this person “looks green” – alluding to cartoon… read more

These 7 Foods are Most Likely to Give You Food Poisoning

Food Safety | April 9, 2018

Food poisoning has become quite common in the United States with 1 in 6 people getting affected by these illnesses in some form each year. While some cases of food poisoning may only involve minor stomach gurgles, others can cause… read more

This Week in Recalls – Kimchi Soup, Beef Jerky, and Pork Products

Outbreaks & Recalls | April 6, 2018

By: Heather Williams Undeclared Allergen An undeclared allergen recall is issued when the contents of a food product do not match the ingredients listed on the packaging. This poses a serious issue for those with food allergies and sensitivities, as they… read more