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food poisoning lawyer

Recycled Plastics Could Cause Tummy Troubles (Among Other Things)

Food Safety | September 17, 2018

Growing up, I was told to never microwave foods in plastic containers, even if they said microwave safe. This is something that I just carried over into adulthood, but it appears there is more to this theory and using plastic… read more

Learning The Mistakes I Made

Food Safety | September 17, 2018

Writing about outbreaks and food safety, I often reflect back on my bad experiences.  One in particular happened a few years ago – “Pre-  Even then I knew that I probably handled the situation badly.  With all I know… read more

I Take It Like a Man, But Not When Food Poisoning is Involved

Pathogens | September 14, 2018

Life is full of lessons. Some are hard, others a bit easier. But the take away – what we learn – is what lessons are all about right? It is how we grow from these lessons that define us as… read more

Outbreak! 184 Sick After Eating at San Antonio Pasha Mediterranean Grill

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | September 7, 2018

A popular San Antonio restaurant, Pasha Mediterranean Grill, has been linked to an outbreak of Salmonella infections. As of today, the San Antonio health department, Metro Health, has confirmed that there are 184 illnesses linked to the restaurant. Metro Health… read more

Think Before You Toss: The Implications of Food Waste

Food Insecurity | September 7, 2018

No one enjoys the prospect of having to throw food away, even though it may seem like a necessity. Aside from the essential action of disposing of food that has been recalled, tossing food into the garbage may make us… read more

A Handwashing Expose

Outbreaks & Recalls | September 5, 2018

Not many people know this, but Monday, October 15, 2018, is Global Handwashing Day.  It is an awareness event which emphasizes the simple practice of using soap and water to ward off life-threatening diseases.  While handwashing is a simple hygienic… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen? A Week in Recalls: Lily Bulbs, Beef and Pork Products, and Dried/Smoked Catfish

Outbreaks & Recalls | September 4, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Some recalls are issued due to undeclared allergens, which could cause serious or life-threatening allergic reaction… read more

The Second Battle of the Bulge: Food Addiction Fast Foods Edition

Food Policy,Food Safety | September 3, 2018

I believe that with few exceptions, most of us would look at the picture above and exclaim “Oh that looks soooooo good”! It’s almost a knee-jerk reaction due to years of conditioned responses delivered by countless and relentless media messages…. read more

I’d Like My Milk Lectin Free, Please

Our Blog | September 2, 2018

Lectins.  Are they good?  Are they bad?  Is this the new “gluten-free” fad?  Will you see packages that never contained lectins now proudly announce “lectin-free” in brightly colored, bold font?  Well, they are good and bad, and most likely yes… read more

Robot Servers – Gimmick or Good Idea?

Food Safety | September 1, 2018

Every once in a while a restaurant will pop up promising something new. It might be a new dish, a different style, a theme not yet seen, or something fresh in the menu. In the case of Spyce, from Boston,… read more