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food poisoning lawyer

Buying Food Online: What Are the Risks?

Food Safety | October 20, 2018

Americans are all about convenience, especially as our lives get busier and busier with work and family responsibilities. We want things quicker and easier, and online shopping is one of those brilliant conveniences that has come to the rescue in… read more

Halloween Food Safety

Food Safety | October 20, 2018

That time of year is coming when the spooky and adorable costumed children come knocking on your door. We love Halloween and everything about it. We really get into the spirit of things, and while we do not hand out… read more

Crops and Flood Waters – Is The Food Safe?

E. coli,Food Safety | October 19, 2018

The southern states have been slammed lately with one hurricane or tropical storm after another. It seems like we take a breath and there will be another one coming or stirring around in the ocean and we are waiting to… read more

Phthalates: The Harsh Chemicals in Restaurant Foods

Food Safety | October 18, 2018

There is a new study that proves burgers and other fast foods consumed at restaurants, fast food outlets, and cafeterias are often associated with higher levels of phthalates. This means that dining out at these fast food outlets, cafeterias, and… read more

MMWR & The Burden of Food Poisoning

Food Safety | October 18, 2018

United States has been taking continuous food safety measures, but the burden of food poisoning still has taken a toll on the government. So, CDC examined the trends of foodborne illnesses in 2017 and also detailed on the changes in… read more

The Risks of Honey

Botulism,Food Safety | October 17, 2018

People like to eat sweet things. There’s no shame in that. We sweeten our tea, we sweeten our cakes, we sweeten our cereals and peanut butter sandwiches. With scary information constantly streaming out about the dangers that sugar presents to… read more

It’s National Pasta Day!

Food Safety | October 17, 2018

Pasta holds a special place in the hearts and minds of diners around the world. The versatility, tastiness and ease of cooking makes pasta a firm family favorite. This healthy and nutritious dish can be brought to life with succulent… read more

World Food Day

Food Insecurity | October 16, 2018

World Food Day, commemorated on the 16th of October each year, is the day that the world comes together to declare a firm commitment to eradicating worldwide hunger. This day of action celebrates the creation of the Food and Agriculture… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen?  A Week in Recalls: Ham Products and Breaded Chicken Tenders

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 16, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Some recalls are issued due to undeclared allergens, which could cause serious or life-threatening allergic reaction… read more

The Dangers of Staph

Staphyloccocous | October 13, 2018

Staphylococcus or Staph bacteria live in the nose of one-third of individuals and on the skin of 1 in 5 individuals. It is generally harmless and people who carry it might not show any symptoms. Most times these bacteria causes… read more