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food poisoning lawyer

Feeling Lucky at the Group Pot Luck? Think Potluck Food Safety.

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 14, 2018

Summer’s heat often brings the threat of foodborne illness from outdoor gatherings such as barbecues and pool parties.  As temperatures begin to cool and the calendar flips to November, this time of year brings about the not-so-silent threat of pot… read more

Food Poisoning is an Ongoing Health Issue

Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog | December 13, 2018

Food poisoning is a very serious and entirely relevant health problem today, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Foodborne illnesses directly result in well over 9.4 million illnesses every year in the United States alone, and most… read more

i3 & Ecoberries – Food Safety Tech

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 9, 2018

We live in an age of scientific wonders. That’s a statement so obvious that it’s very nearly banal, but it’s also true; all around us, scientific advancement is picking up the pace, churning out unheard-of new technologies and techniques at… read more

Goat Meat – The Most Popular Protein in the World?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Raw Milk | December 7, 2018

What’s the most popular animal worldwide for eating? It isn’t the cows, whose flatulent methane output makes them the second major greenhouse-gas producing species in the world after humans. It isn’t pigs, who are smarter than you think and have… read more

December 6th is Microwave Oven Day!  Everything You Wanted to Know About That Helpful Device

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

December 6 marks Microwave Oven Day.  This life changing appliance has made life easier for college students, single people, over-worked parents, and kids wanting some independence.  This happy little appliance makes for convenient and quick reheating or even cooking. On… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen?  A Week in Recalls: Ramen Recall, Poultry, Tahini, Parfaits, and Cheese

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 29, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Some recalls are issued due to undeclared allergens, which could cause serious or life-threatening allergic reaction… read more

Wild Game Food Safety from a Wild Game Home Chef

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 26, 2018

Hunting season is upon us here in Virginia and with that comes the fact that there will be animals brought here to our home that have been harvested so that family and friends can process and start the preservation process… read more

Capri Sun Mold Went Viral Again

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 20, 2018

A father in Tennessee stirred up a fuss on Facebook in September with a post about his child’s Capri Sun containing mold that went viral.  This is not the first time this post has made its rounds on social media…. read more

Fisherman Offers Advice on Avoiding Vibrio

Food Safety,Our Blog,Vibrio | November 19, 2018

What jobs would you associate with the phrase “flesh eating bacteria?”Mad scientist, maybe? Something in the medical field? Perhaps a manufacturer of prosthetics? How about a fisherman? Would you trust a fisherman’s advice on avoiding vibrio? A Wise Fisherman Once Told… read more

Thanksgiving Food Safety Tips

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 18, 2018

Preparing a thanksgiving meal is a huge task. It requires planning, skill, practice and most importantly, keeping in mind food safety. Every year we hear about people getting sick with food poisoning (outbreak or otherwise) after eating a Thanksgiving meal…. read more