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antimicrobial resistance

Recent Study Explores Antimicrobial Resistance and Estimates Superbug Death Toll Will Hit Nearly 40 Million by 2050

Our Blog,Science | September 24, 2024

A recent study on antimicrobial resistance published in the journal, The Lancet, estimates the death toll associated with super bugs could rise to more than 39 million between 2025 and 2050. By 2050, the number of deaths from infections that… read more

New Data Suggests that Pets Can Carry Superbugs and Can Transfer Them to Their Human Owners

Food Safety | May 9, 2024

Shocking new data suggests that pets can carry superbugs and may transmit them to their human owners. Research presented at the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infections conference suggests that owners should isolate their sick pets to avoid catching… read more