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Search Results

School Lunch – The Right Way to Pack It

August 1, 2018

School is upon us again, and with that exciting news comes a whole lot of packed lunches which can become more of a hassle then many parents are prepared for. While packing a lunch for your child’s day is in… read more

Drink This Virus Cocktail & Call Me in the Morning

July 24, 2018

What would you think if your doctor told you to drink a virus in order to kill a virus? Would you do it, or would you call him crazy? In today’s day and age, it seems that science is always… read more

Protecting Your Children From Foodborne Illness

July 23, 2018

It can be an absolute nightmare and heartbreak when one or more of your children gets sick. It’s particularly scary when the sickness is a result of the consumption of contaminated food. Parental guilt can strike, and that’s something most… read more

Hurricane Havoc – Thinking About Food Safety After a Hurricane

July 17, 2018

Hurricane season is upon us. Living on the East Coast, although not exactly in a coastal area, we are sometimes threatened by hurricane season. Often when storms come from the Gulf areas and towards The Carolinas we know that power… read more

E. coli – It’s Not Just in Beef Anymore

July 11, 2018

For those who are still giving romaine lettuce dirty looks, I am here to tell you that this is not the first time E. coli has been found in produce. Sure, historically the most common sources of E. coli were… read more

Meat Made in a Lab? What?

July 8, 2018

You can’t buy it at the supermarket. Not yet, anyway. But companies in the United States and abroad are growing meat from cell cultures in labs. And they’re hoping to eventually do to the deli what soymilk did to the… read more

Wanton Wunderlust – Don’t Let Food Poisoning Ruin Your Vacay

July 2, 2018

Summer seems like the best time of year to travel and explore the world. The kids are out of school. The weather is warm. And everyone just seems like they are in that vacation mood. But, summer months come with… read more

Why Identifying What Caused Your Food Poisoning is Important

June 23, 2018

The CDC estimates each year about 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses, and of those cases, 38 million causes of those foodborne illnesses are unknown or unspecified.  They also report that 3,000 people die each year from food… read more

Sleuthing Salmonella – Removing the Mystery of One of America’s Most Common Food Bugs

June 23, 2018

There have been 10 national Salmonella outbreaks this year, and that’s not even counting any localized ones. From eggs to sprouts, from chickens to chicken salad, Salmonella has snuck its way into a variety of things we eat … and… read more

A Mom’s Perspective- Protecting Your Children from Salmonella

June 23, 2018

Parental paranoia; a term I was not aware of until I actually became a parent 5 years ago. Before that, we had been “go with the flow” people with no children and few worries. If we got sick, we slept… read more