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Search Results

E. Coli Outbreak Information

April 3, 2018

E. coli, more specifically Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli, are among the most dangerous of the food poisoning pathogens – causing approximately 73,000 cases of foodborne illnesses each year in the United States. E. coli sources can be found in undercooked or raw hamburger… read more

Report Food Poisoning

March 16, 2018

Too often food poisoning is more than just a day or two of illness. For many, it can lead to long term complications or health problems. Did you know that a seemingly minor bout of Salmonella infection can cause  inflammatory bowel… read more

Protecting Yourself from Listeria Outbreaks

September 5, 2024

Protecting yourself from Listeria outbreaks is so important as these become more common. Here’s what you can do today to protect yourself and your loved ones. Did you know that pregnant women are 10 times more likely to get Listeria… read more

Illegal Street Vendors in Maricopa County Sicken At Least 17 People, County Warns Public and Initiates Legal Action

September 4, 2024

Illegal street vendors in Maricopa County are responsible for at least 17 illnesses of food poisoning, says Maricopa County Environmental Services Department. In response to uncooperative street vendors, the County determined that “public outreach is necessary to reduce the risk… read more

How Often to Deep Clean a Refrigerator

September 1, 2024

It is so easy to let the fridge get out of control, especially when life gets hectic. We go to the store and just toss things inside or forget things we already have and buy more creating an excess of… read more

Protecting Yourself from Hepatitis A

August 23, 2024

We are still enjoying the benefits of summer in most parts of the country. The late evening daylight, the sun on our skin (don’t forget your sunscreen) and of course water activities. Protecting yourself from Hepatitis A is such an… read more

Six Active Outbreaks Under FDA Investigation

August 9, 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating six active outbreaks at this time. Some have been on the books for awhile and have a food source identified. However, some of these active outbreaks have not yet been linked… read more

Wonder Coffee and Sports Bar Linked to E. coli Outbreak

August 9, 2024

King County Public Health is investigating an E. coli outbreak linked to Wonder Coffee and Sports Bar in Seattle Washington. Two people sickened with the same strain of E. coli bacteria reported becoming sick after eating food from Wonder Coffee… read more

Children & Food Poisoning

July 29, 2024

  Being a parent is hard work, we all know this to be true. It is especially hard when dealing with children & food poisoning. Adults can handle many medical issues a lot easier than children, especially those who are… read more

What is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome?

July 27, 2024

What is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome? Perhaps someone you know and love has been diagnosed with this syndrome and now you need to know all of the details. I personally didn’t know what this was until recently and came upon it… read more