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Possible Don Julio Mexican Salmonella Outbreak

Our Blog | June 2, 2021

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates Salmonella bacteria cause about 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States every year. Recently, a possible Salmonella outbreak in North Branch, Minnesota was linked with Mexican-themed restaurant Don… read more

Arby’s Norovirus Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 1, 2021

A recent case of norovirus at an Arby’s in Springfield, Illinois serves as a reminder that, while things start to get better in the United States, there are still a range of foodborne illnesses that we need to stay vigilant… read more

Food Truck Salmonella

Our Blog,Salmonella | May 21, 2021

An outbreak of salmonella in Ontario, Canada has ended, according to local public health officials. The outbreak produced dozens of lab-positive salmonella tests and hundreds more people who reported symptoms. Here is what we know about the Food Truck Salmonella:… read more

Suspected Outbreak Linked to Raw Breaded Stuffed Chicken

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 21, 2021

The USDA has announced that there is a suspected Raw Breaded Stuffed Chicken Salmonella Outbreak currently under investigation. At this time, there are no details surrounding this outbreak, apart from the identified food source. More information will be forthcoming as… read more

Officials Warn of E. coli Maine Deli Exposure

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 21, 2021

In the press release, the Maine CDC stated that an infected worker at Morse’s Sauerkraut handled deli food while infectious from April 1 through May 13. They state that people who purchased food from the deli  in this E. coli… read more

Union County Legionnaires Outbreak

Our Blog | May 14, 2021

Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease reported between Feb. 3rd and Feb. 26th in Union County, NJ are being investigated by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJOH), along with local health officials. The cluster of cases has seen 14 people become… read more

I’ll Have a Bowl of Captain Crunch, Hold the Shrimp

Our Blog | May 14, 2021

The two words, “cereal” and “shrimp” should never be in the same sentence.  Unless you are feeding cereal to your pet shrimp.  Memories of the long dead Sea Monkeys I dutifully fed and monitored in elementary school come to mind. … read more

Seattle E. coli Outbreak, 7 Children Sick (Updated)

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 5, 2021

Just today, King County announced a Seattle E. coli Outbreak. Public Health is investigating a new cluster of seven children infected with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (also known as STEC) in King County. All cases are currently under 14 years… read more

Jule’s Cashew Brie Salmonella Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | April 23, 2021

There are 5 people sick in the Jule’s Cashew Brie Salmonella Outbreak. The outbreak link was announced today by the CDC and a contemporaneous recall was also announced. The Jule’s Cashew Brie Salmonella Outbreak Fast Facts: Five people infected with… read more

Non-viral Hepatitis Linked to Bottled Alkaline Water

Hepatitis A | April 23, 2021

The Food and Drug Administration is investigating cases of non-viral hepatitis that may be linked to bottled alkaline water, according to a press release put out by that agency. The FDA was first alerted to the problem on March 13th…. read more