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How Long Can Deli Meat Be Left Out?

Food Safety | December 31, 2021

Most everyone has deli meats around the house, as they are convenient for making lunch or a quick snack. However, it is important to note that deli meat can only be left out at room temperature for two hours. Why… read more

How Long Can Cheese Be Left Out?

Food Safety | December 31, 2021

Whether you are using cheese as an appetizer, or maybe you left it on the countertop by accident, you may be wondering how long it can sit out. Each cheese will vary based on the type and storage, but here… read more

Does Cooked Chicken Need to be Refrigerated?

Food Safety | December 31, 2021

As soon as your meal is over, cooked chicken should be refrigerated in an airtight container. If chicken is left out for two hours or more, or one hour in temperatures of 90°F, it is no longer safe to eat…. read more

Do Eggs Need to be Refrigerated?

Food Safety | December 31, 2021

In the U.S, eggs are refrigerated, but in other parts of the world, you will likely find them stacked on a shelf in one of the store’s aisles. So do eggs really need to be refrigerated? It depends on where… read more

Fresh Express Packaged Salad Listeria Outbreak

Our Blog | December 22, 2021

For those of you planning to serve salad with your holiday feasts, it is a good idea to steer clear of some Fresh Express packaged salads. This week, the FDA announced an outbreak of listeria illnesses and a recall linked… read more

Food Allergy Statistics

Food Allergens | November 30, 2021

Food allergy is a worldwide public health problem and much more common than you may think. In the U.S., nearly 32 million people report having a food allergy. That is almost 10% of the population, and each year, 200,000 people… read more

Hepatitis A at Starbucks in Gloucester Township

Our Blog | November 25, 2021

Employee Tests Positive for Hepatitis A at Starbucks in Gloucester Township You may have been exposed to Hepatitis A at Starbucks.  Did you go to Starbucks in Gloucester Township on November 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, or 13?  The Camden… read more

Beaverton Oregon Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 2, 2021

The local authorities and Washington County Public Health are reporting that four people have been hospitalized after several cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the Murrayhill area of Beaverton. Here is what we know about the Beaverton Oregon Legionnaires Outbreak: Beaverton… read more

Cronobacter Statistics

Our Blog | October 31, 2021

Formerly known as Enterobacter sakazakii—Cronobacter is a group of gram-negative bacteria that cause serious health problems and even death in newborns, children, and elders. Cronobacter survives in very dry conditions and is well known for being particularly dangerous for infants… read more

Campylobacter Statistics

Campylobacter | October 31, 2021

Campylobacteriosis is an infection caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with campylobacter bacteria. It is the most common bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the U.S., anyone can get it, and you can have it more than once…. read more