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How Long Can Crab Last in the Fridge?

Food Safety | March 31, 2022

How long crab meat can stay fresh in the fridge depends on whether it is cooked and how you store it. Cooked crab meat tends to go bad very quickly if it isn’t stored correctly. Uncooked crab meat should be… read more

How Long Does Ham Last in the Fridge?

Food Safety | March 31, 2022

How long ham lasts in the fridge largely depends on the type of ham and storage conditions. Ensuring it remains refrigerated when not in use will extend its shelf-life. Ham Expiration Dates Type of Ham Fridge (40°F or below) Freezer… read more

How Long Can Raw Shrimp Stay in the Fridge?

Food Safety | February 28, 2022

How long raw shrimp can stay in the fridge will depend on how the shrimp was thawed. Previously frozen raw shrimp can safely be kept an additional one to two days before cooking if defrosted in the refrigerator. It can… read more

How Long Does Ground Beef Last in the Fridge?

Food Safety | February 28, 2022

How long ground beef lasts in the fridge largely depends on how it is stored. As long as it is unopened and has remained refrigerated at all times, it can be safely used for one to two days after purchase…. read more

How Long Can Cooked Bacon Sit Out?

Food Safety | February 28, 2022

As a general rule, cooked meats should not sit out at room temperature longer than two hours, and that includes bacon. In high temperatures, cooked bacon should be consumed or discarded within a shorter amount of time. If you or… read more

How Long Does Yogurt Last in the Fridge?

Food Safety | February 28, 2022

When yogurt is kept tightly covered and in the fridge, it can last one to two weeks after the “sell by” date on the package. When the yogurt has been opened, it can be safely consumed for one week when… read more

Cronobacter in Baby Formula – Recall Announced

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 25, 2022

This month, the FDA, along with CDC and state and local partners announced they are investigating four consumer complaints of infant illness related to products from Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, MI facility received from 9/20/2021 to 1/11/2022. All of the cases… read more

Salmonella in Baby Formula – Recall Announced

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | February 25, 2022

This month, the FDA, along with CDC and state and local partners announced they are investigating four consumer complaints of infant illness related to products from Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, MI facility received from 9/20/2021 to 1/11/2022. All of the cases… read more

Does All Food have an Expiration Date?

Food Safety | January 31, 2022

Food expiration or “Best if Used By” dates are commonly found on perishable foods, but these dates refer to quality, not safety. In fact, 90 percent of Americans throw out food prematurely, according to a survey from the National Resources… read more

COVID Restaurants: Could COVID Be the New Hep A?

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 15, 2022

We put a lot of trust in others when it comes to people preparing our food.  At a restaurant, we expect that clean utensils are used, hands are washed, appropriate temperature control is maintained, the space is free of grime,… read more