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How Long Can You Freeze Chicken?

Food Safety | July 31, 2022

Individual pieces of raw chicken can be stored in the freezer for nine months and whole chickens for one year. Cooked chicken will last between two to six months in the freezer. Whether raw or cooked, each individual piece should… read more

How Long Can Formula Sit Out?

Food Safety | July 31, 2022

If you accidentally leave formula sitting out, you may wonder if it is still safe to feed your baby. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prepared infant formula can sit out for two hours before spoiling…. read more

How Long Can Butter Sit Out?

Food Safety | July 30, 2022

Unlike other dairy products, butter can generally sit out at room temperature for hours or even days without spoiling. Because it is low in carbohydrates and proteins, it is more challenging for mold and bacteria to grow. However, there are… read more

How Long Can Chicken Sit Out?

Food Safety | July 30, 2022

Whether raw or cooked, chicken can sit out at room temperature for two hours. Any longer than that, and it will enter the “danger zone,” which is when harmful bacteria begin to multiply, and the chicken is no longer safe… read more

Listeria Ice Cream Outbreak

Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 3, 2022

An outbreak investigation is underway with a voluntary notice from Florida-based ice creamery, Big Olaf Creamery after 23 illnesses resulting in 22 hospitalizations and 1 fetal death were linked to consuming their product.  This comes after a long investigation dating… read more

Should I Go To the Hospital if I Have Food Poisoning?

Food Safety | June 30, 2022

Food poisoning is always uncomfortable, but there are times when symptoms may be bad enough to warrant a visit to the doctor or hospital. If you don’t seek the treatment you need, there is a risk of facing long-term complications…. read more

Food Poisoning Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Food Safety | June 29, 2022

It is possible to sue for food poisoning, but the settlement amounts can widely vary. Each case is different, and its worth will be dependent on unique facts. Here are some examples. $370,000 Twelve co-workers in Connecticut became violently ill… read more

How Long Can Eggs Sit Out?

Food Safety | June 28, 2022

If you accidentally leave eggs sitting out, you may be wondering if they are still safe to eat. In the U.S., eggs can sit out at room temperature for two hours before spoiling. However, if the temperature in the room… read more

Daily Harvest Lentils Illness

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 27, 2022

Daily Harvest, Inc., of New York City, New York issued a voluntary recall on June 23, 2022 for all lots of their French Lentil + Leek Crumbles due to gastrointestinal illness and potential liver function issues. Here’s what we know… read more

Peanut Butter Woes Continue – Jif Salmonella Recall

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 31, 2022

♫♫ It’s peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time! ♫♫ Crunchy, smooth, or flavored, this salty, sweet spread is a lunch time favorite can be enjoyed any time of day. But if Jif is your flavor, perhaps not at… read more