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How Long Can You Marinate Chicken?

Food Safety | August 31, 2022

Chicken can marinate for up to 24 hours, but overnight is recommended. Any longer does not make them work better, and there is a risk of it becoming mushy and possibly unsafe to eat. Why Should Chicken Only Marinate for… read more

How Long Can Steak Stay in the Fridge?

Food Safety | August 30, 2022

Larger cuts of meat, such as steak, can be safely stored in the fridge for three to five days. Past that, it should typically either be cooked or placed in the freezer, but it will depend on how it is… read more

How Long Can Cream Cheese Sit Out?

Food Safety | August 29, 2022

Cream cheese can only sit out at room temperature for two hours before becoming unsafe to eat. However, if the temperature of the room it is in reaches 90° F, then it can only sit out for one hour. What… read more

How Long Can Food Poisoning Last?

Food Safety | August 29, 2022

Food poisoning is unpleasant, and symptoms can begin in as little as 30 minutes from when you consumed the contaminated food or beverage, but how long do they last? Most cases pass within 12 to 48 hours, but some can… read more

Wendy’s Romaine the Cause of Ecoli Outbreak in 4 States?

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 19, 2022

Is Wendy’s Romaine the Cause of Ecoli in 4 States? Well, Wendy’s is removing romaine lettuce from its sandwiches in some of its restaurants because it has been linked to a multistate outbreak of infections caused by E. coli. Here’s… read more

2 Deaths Linked to Raw Oysters From Louisiana

Vibrio | August 19, 2022

Two people have died in Florida from ingesting raw oysters. Here is everything we know about these raw oyster deaths: About the 2022 Raw Oyster Deaths A restaurant customer in Fort Lauderdale has died of a bacterial infection after eating… read more

CapriSun Recall

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 16, 2022

Approximately 5,760 cases of Capri Sun Wild Cherry beverages have been recalled because of possible contamination. Here’s what we know about this CapriSun Recall: About the CapriSun Recall “The voluntary recall comes after diluted cleaning solution, which is used on… read more

Ecoli in Michigan, Source Still Pending

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 16, 2022

The Ottawa County Department of Public Health in Michigan is alerting the public to an increase in the number of cases of a shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC).  This Ecoli in Michigan comes after nine cases have been linked during… read more

Napa Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 16, 2022

Napa County Public Health is working closely with California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate and remediate sources of Legionnaires’ disease cases in Napa County, California. Here’s what we know about… read more

Ohio Ecoli Outbreak, 16 Sick

E. coli | August 15, 2022

The Wood County Health Department is looking into a possible Ohio E. coli outbreak, with 16 cases over the past week. About the Ohio Ecoli Outbreak Wood County Health Commissioner Ben Robison said the county has seen 27 cases of E…. read more