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Man Tragically Dies After Eating Missouri Vibrio Raw Oysters

Our Blog | June 11, 2023

St. Louis County has issued a public health alert for raw oysters after a Missouri man died after eating them. Here is everything we know about Missouri Vibrio Raw Oysters: Missouri Vibrio Raw Oysters This week, the St. Louis County… read more

Cabos San Lucas Enfrenta Tercera Demanda por Brote de Shigella, Anuncia Lange Law Firm

Our Blog,Shigella | June 10, 2023

HOUSTON, 3 de junio de 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Mientras las autoridades investigan un brote de Shigella relacionado con el restaurante Cabos San Lucas en 1636 N. Texana, Hallettsville, Texas, 77964, una mujer presentó una demanda por Shigella contra Cabos San… read more

Hallettsville Restaurant Temporarily Closes in Response to Shigella Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | June 10, 2023

When residents in Lavaca County, Texas began falling ill with Shigellosis, the illness associated with infection with Shigella bacteria, the State Health Department stepped in to begin an investigation. State Health Department Steps In Why the State Health Department and… read more

Illinois Salmonella Beef Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | June 7, 2023

The Illinois Department of Public Health announced a new outbreak of Salmonella illnesses linked to ground beef. Here is everything we know about this Illinois Salmonella Beef Outbreak. About Illinois Salmonella Beef Outbreak The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)… read more

SLO County Norovirus Outbreak

Our Blog | June 7, 2023

Norovirus, also known to most people as a “stomach bug” or “stomach flu” is a foodborne illness. Nearly 100 people (at last reported count) have been sickened in San Luis Obispo County this month. The San Luis Obispo County Public… read more

Coxiella burnetii Raw Milk Outbreak

Our Blog | June 7, 2023

A Montana County issued a statement this week reminding residents of the dangers of consuming raw milk.  Two cows from a farm that sells unpasteurized milk at a local farmers market tested positive for Coxiella burnetii, a bacteria that causes… read more

2022 Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cantaloupe

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 7, 2023

The kids are hearing the school bell ring for the last time this year. People are planning vacations. Picnics and fresh fruit are on the menu.   Melons are especially popular this time of year. The refreshing juicy fruit provides… read more

Hallettsville’s Cabos San Lucas Shigella Outbreak in Lavaca County

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | June 2, 2023

If you got sick with Shigella from the potential Cabos San Lucas Shingella outbreak and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation, The Lange Law Firm can help. Call us for a free legal consultation at (833) 330-3663… read more

Lavaca County Shigella Outbreak

Shigella | June 1, 2023

The Lavaca County Shigella Outbreak is under investigation by the Texas Department of State Health Services. If you or a loved one became sick in Lavaca County with Shigella or after eating at Cabos San Lucas Mexican Grill, contact our… read more

Are Poppy Seeds Dangerous?

Food Safety | May 31, 2023

Poppy seeds are derived from the opium poppy plant and commonly used as a culinary ingredient. However, due to their association with opium production, concerns have been raised about their potential risks. Opium Content and Legal Restrictions Opium poppies naturally… read more