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Raw French Cheese Campylobacter Outbreak

Campylobacter,Campylobacter Attorney,Campylobacter Lawsuit,Campylobacter Lawyer,Our Blog | September 8, 2023

A recent article in Frontier Microbiology featured in their Food Microbiology section titled “Campylobacter fetus Foodborne Illness Outbreak in the Elderly” is part of an ongoing series called From Farm Gate to Food Plate: Current Challenges In Foodborne Microorganism Detection,… read more

University of Arkansas Ecoli Outbreak

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 25, 2023

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) is investigating an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections. Illnesses have been reported among students who attend the University of Arkansas. Here is what we know about this University of Arkansas Ecoli Outbreak: About the… read more

Richman Plaza Bronx Legionnaires’ Outbreak

Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 25, 2023

The New York City Health Department announced its investigation into two Bronx buildings’ water systems after two cases of Legionnaires’ disease occurred in residents at 10 Richman Plaza. It appears there is a known Richman Plaza Bronx Legionnaires’ Outbreak. The… read more

Legionnaires’ in Las Vegas

Our Blog | August 25, 2023

The Southern Nevada Health District is investigating three cases of Legionnaires’ disease linked to two Las Vegas resorts. Three recent guests have fallen ill. Two at Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino and one at The Orleans Hotel & Casino. This… read more

New Strain of E. coli Discovered

E. coli,Our Blog | August 24, 2023

You may have noticed quite a few reports of foodborne illness linked to the Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria over the past few years. Recent information indicates that a new strain of E. coli could be responsible for those illnesses…. read more

Ciguatera Poisoning

Our Blog | August 23, 2023

Ciguatera sounds a lot like a cryptid you’d hear about on a podcast. The reality is way more ominous than that. Ciguatera poisoning affects about 500,000 people each year. Ciguatera poisoning is caused by ingesting the ciguatoxin present in certain… read more

Tik Tok Avocado Hack NOT a Good Idea

Food Safety | August 19, 2023

Everyone’s heard this TikTok intro.  “Show me the life hack…” It is usually followed by some interesting technique someone has found to make their life easier.  Sometimes it is simple.  Sometimes it is thought provoking.  Sometimes it is just plain… read more

Back2School Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 19, 2023

It is that glorious time of year when the house is quiet again and a week’s worth of snacks lasts more than 2 days. Kids are back in school. That means they aren’t devouring everything in your fridge and are… read more

Weed Food Poisoning

Our Blog,Salmonella | August 18, 2023

Under federal law, possession of cannabis in any form is not legal.  This includes, but is not limited to flowers, edibles, oils, and vape products.  There are a few FDA-approved medications that contain cannabis-derived products, such as CBD or synthetic… read more

Trade Winds Bar & Grill Campylobacter Outbreak

Campylobacter Attorney,Campylobacter Lawsuit,Campylobacter Lawyer,Our Blog | August 17, 2023

The Trade Winds Bar & Grill Campylobacter Outbreak is under investigation by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Anyone who was at Trade Winds Bar & Grill between July 14 and August 9 and then developed diarrhea, bloody… read more