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The Legacy of Legionnaires

Legionnaire's disease,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 26, 2018

Cases of Legionnaires’ disease are springing up all over the country recently. In my beloved former borough of Bronx, New York, two cases of Legionnaires’ have been confirmed, although the New York City Health Department has not classified it as… read more

Austin, Texas Water Bummer

Water | October 25, 2018

Water is essential. According to the USGS, up to 60% of your body is water. Half of you are now cracking a joke about how you aren’t 60% water, you are 60% coffee—but have you ever tried making coffee without… read more

Wait… Bitter Pumpkins Can Make You Go Bald?

Food Safety | October 25, 2018

Pumpkins are out in droves this festive season. From pumpkin spice to pumpkin pie, the sweet food takes its annual four months of fame. Unlike most pumpkin articles you’ll peruse this Fall, I want to take you on another journey…. read more

Tales of a Foodie Traveller – Travel and Food Poisoning

Food Safety | October 25, 2018

As an avid food lover, I am always amazed at how dishes that seem so simple can make me so happy. The beauty of food is endless and the diversity knows no boundaries. Taste can give sensations in unimaginable ways…. read more

All Hail Greasy Food Day!

Food Safety | October 25, 2018

Greasy food whirls up a concoction of emotions for food lovers. The immense joy that can be had through devouring the latest dirty treat is unparalleled. For there is no greater cure to life’s problems than a greasy plate! I… read more

Cooking Chicken Safely

Campylobacter,Salmonella | October 24, 2018

Let’s talk turkey, er… chicken here. Most of us have been taught by our parents that raw chicken can be an illness waiting to happen. If you grew up in my home, your mother would have told you that raw… read more

Superbugs and the Raw Chicken Salmonella Outbreak

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | October 24, 2018

We’ve all heard the term “superbug” before. With it, is the connotation of a virus that is stronger, more resistant to medicine, and more deadly. As to the claims of this I cannot discuss, due to my lack of knowledge,… read more

What’s In Your Kitchen? This Week in Recalls: Pistachios, Candy, and More

Outbreaks & Recalls | October 24, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Some recalls are issued due to an undeclared allergens recall, which could cause serious or life-threatening… read more

UPDATE: Case Counts Rise in JBS Beef Salmonella Outbreak

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | October 23, 2018

Just this afternoon, the CDC has reported that the Salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef is now up to 120 confirmed cases in 22 states. The CDC reports that the investigation is still ongoing, and they will provide updates when… read more

Stanford Spends Time with Salmonella

Salmonella | October 23, 2018

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have found a bacteria that can inhibit the growth of Salmonella. This is a promising new treatment for people who are affected by Salmonella food poisoning each year. A molecule called propionate, which… read more