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Ships Are a High Risk for Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaire's disease | November 11, 2018

Legionnaires is becoming increasingly common these days. It is a severe, and sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia that spreads through water droplets contaminated with Legionella bacteria. Anyone that breathes in contaminated droplets can get the infection. We are currently dealing… read more

Deep Fried Turkey Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog,Salmonella | November 11, 2018

I have a confession to make. Once a year, I turn into this primal beast, eat as much as possible, take a nap, then do it all over again until the sun goes down. There is no room for the… read more

CDC Releases a Comic Book

Food Safety | November 10, 2018

As someone with grown children and young grandchildren, I have witnessed in my lifetime the ebb and flow of education. What was once important has been tossed by the wayside while other educational pursuits are followed. I am in no… read more

CBD for Pets

Food Policy,Food Safety | November 9, 2018

Cannabis for your pooch?  CBD for Pets? Many sources tout the human health benefits of CBD oil – the beneficial, non-THC containing component of Cannabis.  Now there seems to be a similar health benefit to our four-legged friends.  Like medical… read more

Dangers of Imported Shrimp

Food Safety,Vibrio | November 8, 2018

According to Consumer Reports, the US consumes almost 18 million servings a day of shrimp. And most of that shrimp is imported. Every now and then word goes around about rejected food shipments from China, usually accompanied by truly alarming… read more

Duncan Hines Salmonella Recall

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | November 7, 2018

On Monday, the FDA announced it is working with the CDC to investigate the discovery of salmonella in Duncan Hines’ Classic White Cake Mix. Conagra Brands, the parent company for Duncan Hines, issued a voluntary recall for “Classic White,” “Classic… read more

Cow Cuddling is the New Goat Yoga

Food Safety | November 7, 2018

I believe it started with goat yoga.  The hipster trend where you attempt to make yoga poses with baby goats crawling all over you.  These spunky adorable animals add the trendy cuteness factor to an otherwise normal yoga class.  Oh… read more

Warren Barr Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionnaire's disease,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 7, 2018

A fresh outbreak of legionnaires’ disease is affecting people in Illinois, a disease which is becoming increasingly common for Americans. Each year, about 6,100 cases of Legionnaires’ disease are reported nationwide. In Illinois, about 300 people contract Legionnaires’ disease annually…. read more

Hancock County Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionnaire's disease,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 7, 2018

Four cases of Legionnaire’s disease have been confirmed in WV by the Hancock County Health Department (HCHD). The HCHD is actively searching for the source of the infection but has not yet announced a source or a list of suspects…. read more

Hurricane Bacteria in Private Water Wells in the Southeast

Our Blog,Water | November 7, 2018

We’ve all heard of the hurricanes that have ravaged the Southeast this fall. There have been stories and pictures flooding news and social media accounts since the very beginning of hurricane season, some of which far overshadow hurricanes of past… read more