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Food Safety at Sports Venues

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | February 7, 2019

Remember that scene from the classic slapstick film The Naked Gun where an attendee at a baseball game between the California Angels and Seattle Mariners finds a finger in their hot dog? It might be closer to real life than… read more

No Kisses for Hedgehogs – Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Hedgehogs

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | February 6, 2019

In the midst of a government shutdown, the CDC was still conducing investigations to determine the sources of outbreaks. And for this multi-state outbreak of salmonella poisoning, the leading suspect is downright adorable. Who would accuse an adorable little hedgehog,… read more

Bread Bacteria & Baking

Food Safety | February 6, 2019

Baking bread is a pure joy. Like so many things you can do in your kitchen, it’s basically chemistry, but it feels like alchemy. Add a bit of yeast in warm water to salt and flour, and poof: not only… read more


Food Safety,Yersinia | February 5, 2019

Yersinia.  It is a very pretty name for a person, but describes a pretty terrible bacterium.  The most commonly known species of Yersenia is Yersinia pestis.  Better known as plague or black death.  That species is generally transmitted via animals. … read more

Why Cannibalism is Bad for You

Food Policy | February 4, 2019

Honestly, I have never looked at a family member or friend and thought “wow you look tasty” and the topic of cannibalism is definitely a taboo in our society (no shocker), but did you know that it used to actually… read more

Food Safety & The BIG Game

Food Safety | February 2, 2019

The BIG Game is upon us folks. Even if you don’t follow football, there is electricity in the air this time of year. Fans from across the globe gather in front of their televisions, local pubs, or in the stadium… read more

What’s In Your Kitchen – This Week in Food Recalls

Food Allergens,Food Policy,Food Safety | February 1, 2019

The government is open again. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t any food recalls in 2019! Here is the lowdown of the 2019 food recalls. would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week… read more

Meal Prep Safety (Because Food Poisoning is Not a Great Way to Lose Weight)

Food Safety | January 31, 2019

It’s that time of year again.  Thoughts go from” sweets and treats and tons of savory eats” to “let’s get healthy and work out and New Year’s resolutions.”  It seems like everyone I know is on the meal prepping bandwagon. … read more

Listeria Bio Busti Recall

Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 28, 2019

Food recalls in the United States have slowed to a crawl as the federal government continues to grapple with the effects of the shutdown. In Canada, however, funding for food regulation has been flowing regularly, and food recalls have been… read more

Synthetic Cannabis and the Deadly Bleeding Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Science | January 27, 2019

After the Ebola epidemic swept through West Africa, many travelers were afraid of traveling to that region. The main symptom was excessive bleeding. And now with synthetic cannabis claiming lives with similar symptoms, U.S residents have grown fearful. The new… read more