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Produce Food Safety Rule

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 22, 2019

The Food Safety Modernization Act passed into federal law more than 7 years ago. It was a top-to-bottom rework of our food safety system. The overarching notion: shift the way that food safety works in the US from reaction to… read more

Caring for Someone with Food Poisoning

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 19, 2019

It is the worst feeling in the world to see your loved one hurt or sick and not know how to help them or feel powerless to make them feel better.  Sometimes there is something that you can do.  Ice… read more

Wisconsin Christmas Mountain Resort Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 18, 2019

Three people are sick with Legionnaires disease and one person has died following stays at the Christmas Mountain Resort in Wisconsin Dell. Here’s what you need to know about the Wisconsin Christmas Mountain Resort Legionnaires Outbreak: Those who were diagnosed with… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen? A Week in Recalls: Ground Beef, Bean Sprouts, and Canned Soup

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 18, 2019 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Putting recalled lots, UPC codes, and contact information for recalled products in one convenient place helps… read more

Minnesota, Online Restaurant Inspections. Please! Thank you!

Food Policy,Food Safety | March 17, 2019

Here’s a trivia question for you: what is the one state in the United States that doesn’t make their restaurant inspection results available online? As the clickbait cliche goes, the answer may surprise you. It isn’t Wyoming. It isn’t Hawaii…. read more

Elko, Nevada: The Grille At Gold Dust West Salmonella Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | March 15, 2019

A food poisoning outbreak has hit the small Nevada town of Elko this week. Here is what you need to know about the The Grille At Gold Dust West Salmonella Outbreak: According to the recent media coverage, the local health department… read more

Workplace Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 15, 2019

Heads up: if you eat in an office and work food, you may be in danger. Wait a second – strike that and reverse it. It you work in an office and eat food, you may be in danger. Well,… read more

Butterball Turkey: The Source of Salmonella Outbreak in Wisconsin

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | March 13, 2019

It’s time to go through your freezer because there may be a problem with the turkey products in there. The CDC, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture are investigating a multistate Salmonella outbreak.  Wisconsin public health investigators… read more

St. Patty’s Day Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 13, 2019

The beginning of the year is full of holidays that everyone likes to celebrate.  March 2019 has added Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday to their March holiday season.  However, March 17 will always be celebrated as St. Patrick’s Day.  It… read more

No Love for Bacillus – One of the Most Understudied Pathogens?

Bacillus,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 13, 2019

Certain kinds of pathogens get written about here at Make Food Safe a lot. They’re the repeat offenders of the food-poisoning world; the familiar faces that make headlines again and again. Salmonella comes up a lot. So do E. coli… read more