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Ecoli Outbreak in Kentucky – Exact Source Still a Mystery

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 31, 2019

Another Ecoli outbreak has hit the news. This time in central Kentucky. And while reports are just coming in, the fingers are starting to point to fast food establishments. While no names have been mentioned, Health Department officials are starting… read more

What to do When the Fridge Goes Out During Stormy Weather

Food Safety,Our Blog,Pathogens | March 30, 2019

If you live somewhere with inclement weather, you probably know a thing or two about preparing for a storm or a hurricane. You know to make sure that you’re stocked on batteries and drinking water. You know where to look… read more

Mushrooms Read to Death at Michelin Star Restaurant

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 30, 2019

An outbreak sourced from serving poisonous mushrooms at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Valencia has caused 29 illnesses and left one 46 year-old-woman dead. Here’s what you need to know in this death by mushrooms outbreak: Food poisoning has left RiFF,… read more

Uninvited Guest: Shigella Crashes Wedding

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | March 29, 2019

Cue Billy Idol. “It’s a nice day for a Shigella Wedding.” Wait. NO, IT’S NOT! That’s the exact phrase I would scream if I were the newly weds who are the hot topic of a recent Oregon Health Authority report…. read more

Ecoli O103 Outbreak in Kentucky Kids Linked to Fast Food

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 28, 2019

Today, the Mercer County Health Department announced that there is an Ecoli O103 outbreak linked to “extensive fast food exposure.” At this time, the health agency has not yet announced what fast food restaurants those who were ill ate at…. read more

International Whiskey Day!

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 27, 2019

There are two distinct days on the calendar devoted to the celebration of whiskey. One is March 27th, aka International Whiskey Day, and the other is May 17th. Not being a liquor connoisseur, I was curious as to the difference…. read more

The Dirty Truth About Ice

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 26, 2019

Ice– something most of us use on a daily basis but especially when we are making special drink concoctions with all of the special events and holidays we have had lately. The summer is coming up in just a few… read more

The CDC Was Onto Something, There’s Now an Avocado Recall

Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 26, 2019

The FDA is recalling California avocados that were distributed to six different states over fears that the fruit were contaminated with listeria. Both organic and non-organic varieties were packed by the company Henry Avocado and shipped to locations in Arizona,… read more

What Are the Health Risks of Pesticide Residue on Food?

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 25, 2019

If you’re worried about the effect of pesticides in your food, then you’ve come to the right place. While pesticides are used to reduce crop damage due to weeds, rodents, insects, and other germs, they’ve also been known to cause… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen? A Week in Recalls: Muffins, Corned Beef, Ground Beef, Cough Syrup, Nut Mix, Potato Chips, and Chicken Strips

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 24, 2019 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Putting recalled lots, UPC codes, and contact information for recalled products in one convenient place helps… read more