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Gardening Food Safely

Food Safety,Our Blog | April 8, 2019

Gardening is a healthy pastime in many ways. It offers the opportunity for low impact exercise, making it a suitable pursuit for individuals of different ages and abilities. As the Better Health Channel notes: “people with disabilities, seniors and children… read more

The Mystery Ecoli O103 Outbreak Continues

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | April 7, 2019

Last week we brought you news of an Ecoli outbreak in Kentucky. At the time, about 20 people were diagnosed and being treated. Local health authorities were trying to get to the bottom of the source in order to combat… read more

What is Shigella?

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | April 6, 2019

I can vividly remember the first and only time I succumbed to food poisoning (now commonly known as a foodborne illness). I had just graduated from high school and was out to dinner with my immediate family. At the time,… read more

Could a Cyclospora Outbreak Make a Comeback?

Cyclospora,Cyclospora,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | April 5, 2019

When an outbreak happens, we have a set list of bacteria we consider and discuss quite often. Between Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, and other household names, one of the first parts of the equation is to figure out which bacteria… read more

The Rise in Adult Food Allergies

Food Allergens,Our Blog | April 4, 2019

You find yourself lurching over the toilet, alternating vomiting and experiencing diarrhea. Not a particularly nice way to begin an article, but be patient: a point is in the making. Sounds like a foodborne illness, but no. This culprit may… read more

Compost Safety (Hint: Compost Can Cause Legionnaires’ Disease)

Food Safety,Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog | April 3, 2019

Compost is called black gold for a reason. A mainstay of organic gardening, compost is considered a valuable soil conditioner, one that makes soil more hospitable to plants. Made of decomposed organic material, compost encourages healthy populations of earthworms and… read more

No! Not Nutella! The Nutella Factory Shut Down

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | April 2, 2019

It’s sad (or unfortunate, at least) but true. Until about seven years ago, I had never even heard of Nutella. But through subtle propaganda instigated by my children, I bought a jar. In all honesty, I prefer the time-honored peanut… read more

Refrigeration Risk Analysis

Food Safety | April 1, 2019

Refrigeration is about as near to magic as we get in our daily lives. Think about it: without the power of a fridge or air conditioning, it’s no simple matter to make something cooler. Heating things up is relatively easy;… read more

Roadkill or Cuisine? If You Eat It, Eat It Safely

Food Safety,Our Blog | April 1, 2019

You need a knowing eye to determine if an animal is safe to eat, even more so if the carcass you plan on consuming was demolished by a truck. That is important insight for many Idaho residents. Why? That’s because… read more

Maysara Winery & Pearl Catering: the Cause of the Shigella Wedding Outbreak?

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | March 31, 2019

In the days following the announcement of the Shigella Wedding Outbreak, more information has come out naming the suspects. The wedding venue, Maysara Winery, and the wedding caterer, Pearl Catering, are among them. According to the recent report on the… read more