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(833) 330-3663

Jacksonville Legionnaires’ Attorney

Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia most commonly contracted through the inhalation of small water droplets or mist containing Legionella bacteria.  It is a serious health concern, particularly in warm climates like Jacksonville, where the conditions can allow his bacterium to thrive and spread through water systems.

When is Another Party Liable for Legionnaires’ Disease?

Another party may be liable for Legionnaires’ disease if their negligence in maintaining water systems leads to contamination. This includes failing to properly clean, inspect, or treat water systems like cooling towers, hot tubs, or plumbing. Liability also arises if a property owner fails to warn about known risks or violates health and safety regulations.

Who is Liable for Legionnaires’?

Liability often falls on several parties, depending on where and how the outbreak occurred. For example:

Property Owners and Managers

Owners or managers of buildings such as hotels, hospitals, apartment complexes, or office buildings can be liable for poor maintenance of water systems, leading to the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria.

Maintenance and Service Companies

Companies responsible for maintaining and servicing water systems may be liable if they do not adequately inspect, clean, or treat the water systems, leading to contamination.


If the disease is contracted in a workplace, the employer may be liable, especially if they failed to follow occupational health and safety regulations or did not take appropriate measures to prevent Legionella growth.

Manufacturers of Water Systems

If a water system is defectively designed or manufactured in a way that promotes Legionella growth, the manufacturer could be liable for resulting illnesses.

Government Entities

Government agencies responsible for regulating and inspecting water systems may sometimes be held accountable if they fail to enforce health and safety standards.

Establishing liability typically involves proving that the responsible party’s negligence directly caused the outbreak, linking the illness to their facility through evidence such as public health investigations.

How a Legionnaires’ Attorney Can Help

If you or a loved one has contracted Legionnaires’ disease in Jacksonville, you may be entitled to pursue a legionnaires’ lawsuit against the parties responsible for the outbreak. However, navigating a Legionnaires’ disease lawsuit can be complex. It is crucial to have experienced legal representation to ensure your rights are protected and to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. An attorney with experience in Legionnaires disease cases will have the resources and an understanding of how to gather evidence, prove liability, and negotiate a fair settlement with insurance companies or other parties involved.

Types of Compensation Available in a Jacksonville Legionnaires’ Claim

Legionnaires’ disease victims may seek compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses: This includes costs related to hospitalization, ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, and any other medical care required due to the illness.
  • Lost Wages: If the disease caused you to miss work, you could claim compensation for lost income. In severe cases, if the disease results in long-term disability, future earnings may also be considered.
  • Pain and Suffering: This compensates for the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the illness.
  • Wrongful Death: In cases where Legionnaires’ disease results in the victim’s death, close family members may file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and other related damages.

Contact Us Today

We can help you hold the responsible parties accountable and seek the compensation you deserve for your suffering and losses. Contact The Lange Law Firm by calling (833) 330-3663 or messaging us online to arrange a free consultation with our trusted Jacksonville Legionnaires’ Attorney today.

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