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(833) 330-3663

Fresno E. Coli Attorney

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals. While most strains of E. coli are harmless and play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy intestinal tract, some strains can cause serious food poisoning and other infections.

Common Sources of E. coli in California

The most common places a person can get an E. coli infection include:

  • Undercooked Ground Beef: One of the most common sources of E. coli, especially strains like E. coli O157.
  • Raw Milk and Dairy Products: Unpasteurized milk can contain harmful bacteria.
  • Fresh Produce: Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and other vegetables can be contaminated through contact with feces from infected animals or improper handling.
  • Unpasteurized Juices: Such as apple cider.
  • Contaminated Water: Drinking water contaminated with E. coli, often due to sewage contamination. Recreational waters, like lakes and swimming pools, can also be sources if not properly treated.
  • Person-to-Person Contact: Especially in settings where hygiene is compromised, such as daycares, nursing homes, or hospitals. Infected individuals can spread the bacteria if they don’t wash their hands properly after using the bathroom.
  • Animal Contact: Petting zoos, farms, and other environments where people come into contact with animals and their feces.
  • Improper Food Handling: Cross-contamination during food preparation, such as using the same cutting board for raw meat and vegetables without proper cleaning.

Symptoms and Health Impacts

Gastrointestinal symptoms of E. coli poisoning may include:

  • Diarrhea: Can range from mild to severe, often watery, and sometimes bloody.
  • Abdominal Cramps: Severe stomach pain is a common symptom.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Not as common, but can occur.
  • Fever: Mild fever may be present.

Symptoms typically appear 3 to 4 days after exposure. Most infections resolve within 5 to 10 days without specific treatment, but sometimes, people may experience serious complications.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) is a severe condition that can occur in 5-10% of people infected with E.coli. Children under 5 and the elderly are particularly susceptible to HUS. HUS can cause:

  • Kidney Failure: Leading to the need for dialysis.E. COLI RESOURCES
  • Hemolytic Anemia: Destruction of red blood cells.
  • Thrombocytopenia: Low platelet count leading to bleeding problems.

Some people may develop chronic kidney problems or hypertension after severe infections.

To prevent complications, people should seek immediate medical attention if symptoms of severe infection or HUS appear. They should also avoid antibiotics and anti-diarrheal medications without consulting a healthcare provider, as they can sometimes worsen the condition.

Why Hire a Fresno E. Coli Attorney?

The Lange Law Firm can help you with your case in many ways, including:

  • Expertise in Foodborne Illness Cases: Specialized knowledge and experience handling E. coli and other foodborne illnesses.
  • Investigation and Evidence Collection: Ability to conduct thorough investigations to trace the source of contamination and gather critical evidence.
  • Negotiation and Settlement: Skilled negotiation with insurance companies and liable parties to secure fair compensation.
  • Litigation: Representation in court if a fair settlement cannot be reached, ensuring the plaintiff’s rights are protected and advocated for.

Tracing an Outbreak

Health departments monitor reports of E. coli infections. An unusual increase in cases may indicate an outbreak. They then take steps to locate the source of the infections. They may conduct thorough interviews with infected people to gather information about their recent food consumption, travel history, and other exposures.

They’ll look for commonalities in the data, such as specific foods, restaurants, grocery stores, or events attended by those infected. Using statistical methods, health departments may be able to determine the likelihood that a particular food or exposure is associated with the outbreak.

Once a common food item or venue is suspected, trace the product back through the supply chain to identify the point of contamination. This involves:

  • Supplier and Distributor Records: Reviewing records from restaurants, grocery stores, and suppliers.
  • Production and Processing Facilities: Inspecting farms, processing plants, and distribution centers.

Fresno E. coli Statistics

The incidence rates of E. coli per 100,000 people in Fresno County fluctuated between 2017 and 2023. The highest rate was 6.9 in 2021, and the lowest was 3.7 in 2020.

Year Cases Incidence Rate
2017 38 3.8
2018 51 5.1
2019 58 5.7
2020 38 3.7
2021 70 6.9
2022 55 5.4
2023 63 6.2

For the state of California, the incidence rate per 100,000 people was reported as 1.6 in 2013 and significantly increased to 6.7 in 2019; a 318.8% increase. 2018 and 2019 were reported as having increased numbers, and there were several multistate E. coli outbreaks during that time that affected California, including:

Next Steps if You’ve Had an E. coli Infection

Get the assistance you need today. Contact The Lange Law Firm at (833) 330-3663 or message us online for a free consultation. We will thoroughly investigate your E. coli case and pursue the compensation you deserve with determination.