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(833) 330-3663

Dallas Salmonella Attorney

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that causes an infection known as salmonellosis. This infection typically affects the intestines and can result in symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

While most people recover without specific treatment, the infection can be severe and even life-threatening in some cases, particularly for young children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Proper food handling, cooking, and hygiene practices are essential to prevent salmonella infections. Think of filing a salmonella lawsuit if your infection was due to another person’s negligence.

How is Salmonella Spread?

Salmonella is often transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food or water, through contact with infected animals, or by person-to-person contact.

Contaminated Food

  • Raw or Undercooked Meat: Poultry is a particularly common source of Salmonella. The bacteria can be present in the intestines of healthy birds and can contaminate meat during processing. Undercooked beef and pork can also harbor Salmonella.
  • Eggs: Salmonella can contaminate eggs both on the outside of the shell and inside if the bacteria infect the hen’s reproductive organs. Consuming raw or undercooked eggs poses a significant risk.
  • Unpasteurized Milk and Dairy Products: Milk can be contaminated if it comes from an infected animal or if it is exposed to bacteria during handling and processing. Unpasteurized milk and cheeses made from it are common sources.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Produce can become contaminated through contact with soil, water, or manure that contains Salmonella. Contamination can also occur during harvesting, processing, or distribution if hygiene practices are not strictly followed.

Contaminated Water

  • Drinking Water: Drinking water contaminated with Salmonella can be a source of infection, especially in areas with inadequate water treatment facilities.
  • Recreational Water: Swimming in or accidentally ingesting water from contaminated pools, lakes, or rivers can also lead to infection.

Animal Contact

  • Reptiles and Amphibians: Pets such as turtles, snakes, and lizards are known carriers of Salmonella. Handling these animals or coming into contact with their habitats can transfer the bacteria.
  • Birds: Domestic and wild birds can carry Salmonella. Handling birds or coming into contact with their droppings can pose a risk.
  • Other Animals: Farm animals, such as cattle and pigs, as well as household pets like cats and dogs, can carry Salmonella and transmit it to humans.

Person-to-Person Transmission

  • Improper Handwashing: Infected individuals can spread Salmonella if they do not wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling contaminated items.
  • Handling Food: An infected person can contaminate food during preparation if they do not follow proper hygiene practices, leading to transmission to others who consume the food.
  • Surface Contamination: Salmonella can survive on surfaces for extended periods. Touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the mouth or food can result in ingestion of the bacteria.

Control Measures to Prevent Salmonella Outbreaks

There are some things people can do to prevent salmonella outbreaks. These include:

  • Strict Hygiene Practices: Implementing rigorous hygiene standards at all stages of food production, processing, and preparation is essential.
  • Proper Cooking: Ensuring that foods, especially meats and eggs, are cooked to safe temperatures to kill any present bacteria.
  • Safe Handling and Storage: Keeping raw and cooked foods separate, refrigerating perishable items, and avoiding cross-contamination.
  • Regular Testing: Regular testing of food products, processing environments, and water supplies to detect and address contamination early.
  • Public Awareness: Educating consumers and food handlers about the risks of Salmonella and how to prevent its spread.

Dallas Salmonella Statistics

Between 2010 and 2020, there were an average of 309 cases of Salmonella in Dallas County. The lowest reported cases were in 2020, with 168, and the highest was in 2010, with 352.

Children under one-year-old had the highest salmonella incidence rates per 100,000 people between 2014 and 2017.

Year Incidence rates for <1 year olds
2014 57.9
2015 65.6
2016 96.6
2017 59.4

Recent Salmonella outbreaks, with cases in Texas, have been associated with charcuterie meats, cantaloupes, fresh diced onions, fish, peanut butter, and seafood.

Get In Touch

Salmonella is one of the leading causes of foodborne illness worldwide, contributing to significant morbidity and mortality.

Contamination of food products, such as eggs, poultry, meat, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables, can lead to large-scale outbreaks.

Salmonella victim? Don’t wait to take action. Call The Lange Law Firm at (833) 330-3663 or message us online for a free consultation. We will thoroughly investigate your case and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.