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(833) 330-3663

Cruise Ship Food Allergy Lawsuit

For individuals with food allergies, dining on a cruise ship can present serious risks if allergens are not properly disclosed or handled. When a cruise line fails to take reasonable precautions, and a passenger suffers a severe allergic reaction, they may have grounds to file a food allergy lawsuit.

Food Allergy Risks on Cruise Ships

Cruise ships often serve thousands of passengers daily, making proper food handling and labeling critical. The risks associated with food allergies on cruise ships include:

  • Cross-Contamination: Shared kitchens, equipment, and serving utensils can lead to cross-contamination.
  • Mislabeled Menus or Buffets: Items served in buffet lines or à la carte menus may lack clear allergen warnings.
  • Improper Staff Training: Crew members may provide incorrect information about ingredients or fail to understand allergy protocols, leading to mistakes.
  • Language Barriers: On international cruises, communication challenges can arise when discussing food allergies with staff.

Grounds for a Cruise Ship Food Allergy Lawsuit

Food allergy lawsuits against cruise lines typically rely on the following legal grounds:


The cruise line failed to act with reasonable care to prevent exposure to allergens. Examples include improper food preparation, failure to clean surfaces, or lack of clear allergen labeling.

Breach of Contract

Many cruise lines advertise their ability to accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies. A lawsuit can allege a breach if the cruise fails to meet these assurances.

Strict Liability

If the cruise ship served defective or mislabeled food that caused harm, they may be held strictly liable, which means negligence does not have to be demonstrated.

Maritime Law

Cruise ship lawsuits often fall under maritime law, which governs incidents occurring at sea. Understanding these unique legal considerations is critical for a successful claim.

Liability may also extend beyond the cruise line operator. Food suppliers, catering companies, or onboard restaurant operators responsible for preparing or providing meals can also be held accountable if they contributed to the allergic reaction. Additionally, staff members or managers who failed to follow allergy protocols or provide accurate ingredient information may share liability.

Types of Compensation Available

Victims of cruise ship negligence may recover various damages, including:

  • Medical Expenses: Costs for emergency treatment, hospitalization, medications, and follow-up care.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to recovery time or ongoing medical care.
  • Pain and Suffering: Damages for physical pain, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life.
  • Wrongful Death Damages: Compensation for funeral costs, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering in fatal cases.

cruise ship food allergy lawsuit attorney

How an Attorney Can Help

A food allergy lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in a cruise ship food allergy lawsuit in the following ways:

  • Resources and Evidence Collection: They will investigate the incident, gather critical evidence such as menus, witness statements, and medical records, and identify whether the cruise line failed in its duty of care.
  • Peace of Mind: They will handle all aspects of your claim, including communications with the cruise line or its insurers.
  • Experience and Negotiation Skills: Your lawyer will advocate for fair compensation.
  • Representation at Trial: If necessary, they can represent you in court to ensure your rights are protected and justice is served.

If you or a loved one has suffered a severe allergic reaction on a cruise ship, consulting an experienced Food Allergy Attorney is the first step toward justice. Arrange a free consultation with The Lange Law Firm, PLLC today. We can help you understand your rights, build a strong case, and hold the responsible parties accountable for your losses. Call (833) 330-3663 or send us a message online.