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(833) 330-3663

Cleveland E. Coli Lawyer

E. coli, short for Escherichia coli, is a bacterium found in the intestinal tracts of both humans and animals. Though the majority of E. coli strains are harmless and essential for gut health, certain pathogenic strains can cause severe diseases.


The main symptoms of an E. coli infection include:

  • Diarrhea: Often starts watery and can become bloody.
  • Abdominal Cramping: Severe stomach pain and tenderness.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Feeling sick and possibly vomiting.
  • Fatigue: General feeling of tiredness and weakness.
  • Fever: Sometimes mild but can be more severe.
  • Loss of Appetite: Reduced desire to eat.

E. coli Liability

Liability for an E. coli infection can fall on various parties involved in the food production and distribution chain, depending on where the contamination occurred and who was responsible for ensuring food safety. Here are the primary entities that might be held liable:

  • Farms and Agricultural Operations: If the contamination originates from produce or livestock due to unsanitary conditions or improper use of fertilizers and water, the farm may be liable.
  • Meat Processing Plants: Facilities where meat is processed might be held responsible if cross-contamination or improper handling and storage practices led to the spread of E. coli.
  • Packaged Food Manufacturers: Companies producing pre-packaged foods may be liable if contamination occurs during the manufacturing process due to inadequate sanitation or quality control.
  • Food Distributors: Entities responsible for transporting food products may be liable if contamination occurs during storage or transit.
  • Grocery Stores and Supermarkets: Retailers can be held liable if they sell contaminated food products, especially if they fail to follow proper storage and handling guidelines.
  • Restaurants and Cafeterias: These establishments can be liable if the contamination occurs due to improper food handling, cooking, or storage practices.

How Can an Attorney Help Someone Who Developed an E. coli Infection?

If someone develops an E. coli infection due to negligence, contamination, or other wrongful acts, an attorney can assist in various ways to seek justice and compensation. Here are the specific ways an attorney can help:

  • Case Evaluation: An attorney will evaluate the details of the case, including how the E. coli infection was contracted and the potential liability of involved parties. This initial consultation helps determine if there is a viable claim.
  • Identifying Responsible Parties: The attorney will investigate to identify all potentially responsible parties, which could include food producers, restaurants, retailers, suppliers, or even water treatment facilities.
  • Gathering Evidence: Attorneys gather crucial evidence to support the claim. This includes medical records, lab reports confirming the E. coli infection, purchase receipts, and any documentation linking the illness to a specific source.
  • Expert Testimony: They can engage medical experts to testify about the severity of the infection, its source, and its impact on the victim’s health. They may also consult food safety experts to establish negligence or contamination.
  • Negotiation with Insurance Companies: Attorneys handle negotiations with insurance companies to seek fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. They aim to settle out of court if possible, but they prepare for trial if necessary.
  • Filing a Lawsuit: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the attorney will file a lawsuit on behalf of the client. They will manage all legal procedures, from filing motions to representing the client in court.
  • Legal Representation: In court, the attorney advocates for the client, presenting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing the case to achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Settlement and Compensation: Attorneys work to ensure that any settlement or awarded compensation adequately covers the client’s current and future medical needs, lost income, and other related expenses.

Cleveland E. coli Statistics

Ohio reported 79 foodborne outbreaks in 2018, 36 of which were confirmed. E. coli O157 caused one case.

In 2019, Cuyahoga County’s E. coli incidence rate per 100,000 people was 3.9; statewide, it was 5.1. The incidence rates for Cuyahoga County and Ohio, separated by serotypes, were:

Cuyahoga County





Not O157:H7



Unknown Serotype



Get in Touch Today

If you or a loved one has been affected by an E. coli infection, you don’t have to face this difficult period by yourself. The Lange Law Firm is committed to helping individuals like you with E. coli cases. Our skilled team will carefully examine your case and strive for the compensation you deserve.

Call us today at (833) 330-3663 or contact us online for a free consultation. We’re here to offer the support and legal guidance you need to move forward. Don’t delay- contact us now to begin your journey toward justice and recovery.