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Why is Everyone Freaking Out Over Washing Avocados?

Listeria,Our Blog,Salmonella | January 22, 2019

The FDA issued a report earlier this month warning consumers to wash the avocado properly before eating it after they found Listeria and Salmonella on the samples of avocado taken between 2014 – 2016. If you cut the avocado before… read more

Cargill to Expand Turkey-Tracing Program

Campylobacter,Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog,Salmonella | January 16, 2019

Cargill Meats is planning to expand the turkey-tracing program that they debuted last year. The initiative was piloted in Texas, where Thanksgiving celebrants could check out the provenance of their bird using the power of the blockchain, which was then… read more

Avoiding Salmonella with a Special Focus on Children and the Elderly

Food Safety,Salmonella | January 7, 2019

Salmonella seems to be the bacteria we can’t get away from. Just recently, ninety-two people across twenty-nine states have fallen ill with an infection due to an antibiotic resistant bacteria. What kind of bacteria is it? You guessed it! Salmonella…. read more

More Illnesses in JBS Ground Beef Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | December 16, 2018

Eighty-seven more people from 16 states have been sickened by the ongoing Salmonella JBS ground beef outbreak linked to ground beef from JBS Tolleson, according to CDC. 39 of these illnesses are from California, which brings the case count from… read more

It’s Everywhere!! A Spotlight on the 2018 Salmonella Outbreaks

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | December 15, 2018

What Salmonellosis? That is a funny sounding word to describe a pretty nasty illness caused by a really bad germ.  Whether obvious or not, you have certainly come in contact with that big bad germ at some point.  Salmonella is in… read more

Kalamazoo Cracker Barrel Closes Due to Salmonella Outbreak and Gross Contamination.  This Has Nothing to do With Brad’s Wife.

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | December 4, 2018

Cracker Barrel is in the news again.  This time it has nothing to do with #justiceforBradsWife, though we are pretty sure she never got her job back.  No. This news comes out of Kalamazoo, Michigan, not Corydon, Indiana.  This news is… read more

10 Mistakes You Could Be Making with Raw Chicken

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | December 3, 2018

A lot of people love to cook. This is a wonderful and creative thing, especially popular amongst budget-lovers who are looking to only spend a certain dollar amount each week on meals. But just because you enjoy cooking and you… read more

How Does Salmonella Beef Contamination Happen?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | November 29, 2018

Month have passed since since the initial reports on Cargill Meat resulted in a recall of 132,000 pounds of deadly ground beef thoroughly contaminated with E. coli bacteria, but while we might have hoped to be safe from similar food… read more

Salmonella Tahini Outbreak

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | November 28, 2018

It seems like every time you open the Internet there is another recall or outbreak.  Beef, turkey, romaine lettuce.  Now Tahini.  The latest reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from November 28, 2018 indicate that 5… read more

Salmonella Turkey Outbreak & The Jennie-O Meat Recall

Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | November 18, 2018

Oh how everyone loves this time of year! The leaves are brown, houses full and tables ready for the feast of the year. November for Americans culminates in Thanksgiving, a special day of the year to spend with family and… read more